Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/852

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WINSTER. 840 WINTERBORNE- WHITCHURCH. of the resident freeholders. The church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, has been rebuilt, with the excep- tion of the tower. The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have chapels. The charities produce about 45 per annum. In the barrows on the common many trinkets of British origin were discovered in 1768. Saturday is market day. WINSTER, a chplry. in the pare, of Kendal and Windermere, ward of Kendal, co. Westmoreland, 7 miles W. of Kendal. It is situated on the river Pool, or Winster, and includes the tnshp. of Undermilbeck. The living is a perpet. cur. in the patron, of the Vicar of Kendal. WINSTON, a par. in the S.W. div. of Darlington ward, co. Durham, 6 miles E. of Barnard Castle. It is a station on the Barnard Castle and South Durham branch of the North-Eastern railway. The village is situated on a hill rising from the northern bank of the river Tees, which is here crossed by a bridge of one arch HI feet span, built in 1764 by the Robinsons of Rokcby. The par. includes the hmlt. of Newsham. The manor anciently belonged to the Scropes, from whom it came to the Earls of Bridgwater. The Raby hounds meet here. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Durham, val. 560, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, dedicated to St. Andrew, was rebuilt in 1849. There is a parochial school. The living was once held by Bishop Burgess. WINSTON,, a hmlt. in the par. of Newchurch, Isle of Wight, co. Hants, 6 miles S.E. of Newport. WINSTON, a par. in the hund. of Thredling, co. Suffolk, 1 mile S.E. of Debenham. There is a consider- able tract of common. The living is a vie.* in the dioo. of Norwich, val. 170, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Ely. The church is dedicated to St. Andrew. WINSTONE, a par. in the hund. of Bisley, co. Glou- cester, 6 miles N.W. of Cireucester, and 9 from Chelten- ham. The village is situated near the high road between Circncester and Gloucester, under the Cotswold hills. The soil is stone brabh upon a subsoil of stiff clay. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 260. The church is dedicated to St. Bartholomew, recently repaired. The Baptists have a chapel. There is a National school. The charities produce about 2 per annum. J. W. Lyon, Esq., is lord of the manor. WINSTREE, a hund., co. Essex, contains the pars. of Abbcrton, Fingringhoe, Langenhoe, Layer-Breton, Layer-de-la-Hay, Layer-Marney, East and West Mersea, Peldon, Salcott, Virley, Great and Little Wigborough, comprising 23,790 acres. WINTERBORNE-ABBAS, a par. in the hund. of Eggerton, co. Dorset, 4 miles N.E. of Abbotsbury, and 5 W. of Dorchester. The village is situated in a vale on the high road from Dorchester to Bridport. It takes its name from the South Winterborne stream, which rises a little to the W. of the village, within a Druid circle formed of rough stones, called the Nine Stones. On the surrounding hills are numerous barrows, acrom- Lincoln College, Oxford. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. The living was once held by Bishop Ironside. WINTERBORNE-ANDERSTON. See ANDEKSTON- WINTERBOHNE, co. Dorset. WINTERBORNE-CAME, a par. partly in the lib. of Frampton, and partly in the huud. of Culliford Tree, co. Dorset, 2 miles S.E. of Dorchester, on the road from Dorchester to Wareham. The par. includes the hmlts. of Cripton, Middle and Higher Came, and Winterborne- Faringdon which last is extra-parochial, but, having no inhabitants, is in this parish. It had formerly a priory cell to the abbey of Caen, in Normandy. There is a large extent of woodland. The soil is clayey upon a substratum of chalk and gravel. The living is a rect.* with that of Winterborne-Faringdon united, joint val. 250. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, contains two effigies and monuments. The church in the quondam parish of Winterborne-Faringdon is now in ruins. WINTERBORNE - OLENSTONE, a par. in hund. of Coombs Ditch, co. Dorset, 4 miles S.W. Blandford. It was formerly a place of importanc having three churches. It takes its name from tl northern Winterborne stream, a feeder of the Stour. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 160. The church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, was rebuilt at the expense of Mrs. Michel in 1840. There is a school, lately built by Mrs. Michel. WINTERBORNE-HERRINGSTONE, a par. in the hund. of Culliford Tree, co. Dorset, 1 mile S. of Dor- chester. It anciently belonged to Siward the Saxon, and subsequently came through the Herrings, to the Williams family. The hall contains several historical portraits by Knellor, and Bible carvings on the large window. There is no church, and only a few farm- houses. WINTERBORNE -HOUGHTON. See HOUOHTON, co. Dorset. WINTERBORNE -KINGSTON, a chplry. in the hund. of Bere-Regis, co. Dorset, 6 miles S.W. of Bland- ford, contains Abbotts Court and Muston. The living is a cur. annexed to the vie. of Bere-Regis. The church is dedicated to St. Nicholas. The register commences in 1598, but is imperfect. The Independents and Wes- leyans have chapels. WINTERBORNE-MONCKTON, a par. in the hund. of Culliford Tree, co. Dorset, 2 miles S.W. of Dor- chester, and 6 N. of Weymouth. It had once an alien priory cell, founded by King John, subordinate to Gluni Abbey. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 159. WINTERBORNE ST. MARTIN, or MARTINS- TOWN, a par. in the hund. of St. George, co. Dor- chester, 3 miles S.W. of Dorchester, and 8 N.W. of Weymouth. The village is situated in a valley, and had formerly a market granted by Henry III., but long since disused. The par. includes the tythg. of Ashton. Here is Maiden Castle, one of the strongest Roman camps in the W. of England, covering 115 acres, with a treble ditch and ramparts oval in shape, and com- manding an extensive prospect. According to Ptolemy, it was the eastra asstwa of the garrison of Dunium, after- wards called Durnovaria, the capital of the Durotriges. At a little distance from the eastern gate of the camp passes the vicinal road leading from Dorchester to Wey- mouth, and on the W. extends a branch of the Via Ice- niana. On Four Barrow Hill and Clandon are many tumuli. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 73, in the patron, of the bishop. The church is dedicated to St. Martin. There are National and Sunday schools, built in 1841. A fair is held on St. Martiu's- day for cattle. WINTERBORNE-STEEPLETON, a par. in the hund. of Uggscombe, co. Dorset, 4 miles S.W. of Dor- chester, and 9 N.W. of Weymouth. The village ia situated in a valley on the road from Weymouth to Bridport. The living is a rect. united to that of Winterborne-Abbas. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, has a curious S. porch. There is a school for this and the adjoining parish of Winterborne-Abbas. WINTERED RNE-STRICKLAND, a par. in the hund. of Pimperne, co. Dorset, 3J miles S.W. of Bland- ford-Forum. It includes the tythg. of Quarleston, the site of the old seat of the Binghams, the greater part of which has recently been pulled down. The living is a reet. in the dioo. of Salisbury, val. 367- The Wes- leyans and Primitive Methodists have chapels. There is a National school. The charities produce about 7 per annum, bequeathed by Barbara Skinner. Baron Hambro' is lord of the manor. WINTERBORNE-THOMPSON, a par. in the hund. of Coombs Ditch, co. Dorset, 6 miles S. of Blandford. WINTERBORNE -WHITCHURCH, a par. in the hund. of Coombs Ditch, co. Dorset, 6 miles S.W. of Blandford. The par. includes the hmlt. of Whatcombe and Law Lee. The village is situated on the northern Winterbourne, a feeder of the Stour. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 100, in the patron.