Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/934

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14 UNITED KINGDOM SUMMARY OF THE POOR RATE RETURNS. GROSS ESTIMATED AND RATEABLE VALUE or RENTAL ASSESSED TO THE POOR RATES FOR ENGLAND AND WALES, AND AMOUNT RECEIVED AND EXPENDED FOR RELIEF OF THE POOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Tears ended J.ady-Day. Your- ended Lady-Uny. Property Assessed to the Poor Rate. Total Amount of Poor Kates Received, in- cluding Receipts in aid of Poor Hates. Expended Gross Estimated Rental. Rateable Value. In Actual Relief of the Poor. For other pur- pones. County and Police Rates, &c. Total. 1852 1853 1854 1856 1856 1857 1368 1859 1860 1361 1862 1863 1864 1866 1866 1852 1853 1854 1856 1856 1867 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866

6,870,368 6,805,383 7,251,281 8,174,954 8,496,458 8,440,990 8,492,120 8,434,788 8,033,626 8,252,168 8,838,990 9,512,655 9,874,569 9,769,142 9,958,250

4,897,685 4,939,064 5,282,853 5,890,041 6,004,244 5,898,756 6,878,641 5,558,689 5,454,964 6,778,943 6,077,922 6,527,036 6,423,381 6,264,966 6,439,517

1,921,661 1,915,724 2,035,077 2,199,346 2,207,768 2,440,454 2,571,116 2,590,767 2,620,940 2,616,269 2,728,152 2,798,035 3,257,099 3,627,193 3,649,604

6,819,346 6,854,788 7,317,930 8,089,387 8,212,012 8,339,210 8,449,657 8,149,456 8,075,904 8,395,212 8,806,074 9,325,071 9,680,480 9,792,193 9,989,121 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1852 1853 1854 1856 1856 1857 1868 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 86,077,676 71,840,271 110,079,308 93,638,403 SCOTLAND. In the Years ended 14th May. IRELAND. Total Amount received from Poor Hates and all other Sources. Total Expended in the Relief ana Management of the Poor. Total Amonnt received from Poor Kates, and all other Receipts in Aid of Poor Rates. Total Expended in the Relief an* Management of the Poor."

641,889 654,700 570,713 614,423 651,000 669,853 668,473 683,912 671,616 684,354 712,227 760,183 776,455 789,928 796,674

635,868 644,552 678,929 611,785 629,349 627,605 640,701 667,366 663,277 683,902 719,317 736,028 770,030 778,274 783,127 H 1,242,446 1,133,009 1,052,260 898,674 793,980 650,071 646,459 635,906 508,943 673,290 667,745 721,903 746,534 762,513 769,174

1,176,003 1,070,499 990,034 851,876 734,538 619,514 570,372 524,754 530,626 695,192 652,245 701,031 732,968 736,629 726,340

  • The amounts here given are the total amounts expended out of the Poor Rate, including, in addition to the cost of Belief of the Poof

under the Poor Law anal Medical Charities Acts, expenses under the Burial Grounds Acts, and Bemstxatiou of Births. Deaths, and Marriages Acts.