Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/972

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62 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS T . N . mu. Conn'a- 23:; 2‘33. c.1161. Pun- Connry- 1:81 Che“ m._ "I. : 290 258 4.53 Chilcombo, Chellgsifl’wn, p. Derby 810 484 444 Chilcompum, p. Somerset 1,233 Chell, Great and Little, tns. . Staflord 1,219 310 Chilcote,t.ns. .. Derby 1,325 ' Beds 610 136 119 Child 0ksfout,p Dorset 1,152 3,259 564 850 Childerditch, p. Essex 1,614 1,621 9-19 221 Childerl'sfi, p. Camb._ 1,052 . 229 449 Childer ornton, tns. Cheshire 723 Chelmsford, p. F8 2,841 8,401 200 Ohildrey. p. Berks 2,850 Cnnursronn, tn.f. . msex 5,618 200 Child’s Email p .. 81110 3,833 Chelsea, . ........... .. .. Mddlx. 03,139 2 0111mm 11111, 411 Saints, ecL—d. Md .  » Chelsea, gloly Trinity, ecl.-d. Mddlx. 6,150 2 Child’s Wickhsm, p. .. Chelsea, Up. St. Jude, ec1.-d. Mddix. 4,561 2 Childwal], Chelsea, Up. SLSsviour, ec1.-d. Mddlx. 8,821 2 Ohllfroome, p. Chelsea, Up. St. Simon, ecL-d. Mddlx. 2,959 2 Chtlham, p. .. Chelsfleld, p. .. Kent 8,280 184 48 Chillenden, p. Chelshnm,p.. Surre 8,314 401 45 Chillesford, p. .. Chelsworth, p. . .. Suflo 861 273 213 Chillingham, p. OnnL-mxnsm, p.-tn. P. th. s. Glouces. 3.140 89,693 844 ' ' Cheltenhmn, St. Luke, ec1.-d. Glouca. 2,981 844 Cheltenham, St. Paul, ec1.-d. Glouces. .. 5,989 344 Cheltenhnm, St. Peter, ecL—d. Glouces. .. 2,855 844 Northmp. 1,180 454 113 Somerset 1,011 54 328 Somerset 1,011 180 325 Bucks 1,144 468 148 Monm. 1,282 8.455 518 Monm. 8,364 516 Wilts 1,811 364 25-4 Warwick 890 311 486 Devon 4,815 686 292 Devon 5,382 1,111 292 Chilton Folistt, p. . Glamor. 1.419 230 5855 Chilton-on-Polden, Hunts 3,030 621 113 Chilton Trinity, [7. Kent 1,861 1,534 13 Chilvers Gown, p. , Somerset 1,088 802 320 Chilwell, 11. Cher-ringmn, p. Glouces. 1,860 232 839 Chilworth, p. Cherrington, tns.. Sslop ... 151 866 Chingford. p. Cherry Burton, p. York 8,661 502 518 Chinley, &0., Cherry Hinton p. Camb. 2,048 184 186 Chlnnook, Eas Cherry wmingirm, p. Lincoln 960 113 428 Chinnock, Mid e, p. Chertsey, p. ....... .. Surrey 10,229 0,589 88 Chinnook, West, 1). CHERTSEY, tn. w. Surrey 2,910 82 Ohinnor. p. ..... .. Cheshsm, p. Bucks 12,651 5,985 148 Chippenham, p. . _ Cnsnsx tn. w. Bucks 2,208 148 Cluppenham, p. _ Chesham 11015, p. Bucks 905 ms us oummmur, u - - Cheshunt, p. Hem 8,493 6,592 181 ,, p. Wilts Chssilborne, p. Dorset 2,680 432 275 Chipping, p. ........ .. Lane. 8,156 Cheslyn Hay, p. Stafford 1,111 318 Chipping-Norton, p. . 01011 4,160 Chasington, p. Surrey 1,229 219 31 CEIPPmG-NORTOH, u. w. . 01011 3.430 01111311111 0. ll. an r. w. s. Cheshire 81.110 459 Chippmg-Sodbury, p. 1:11. Glouces. 120 Chester, Christchurch, ec1.-d. Cheshire .. 5,242 459 Chipping-Warden, p. . Northrup. 1,981 Chester, Little,tns. ....... .. Der-lily1 431 445 Chipstnble, p. Somerset 2,252 Chester, St. Paul, eel. . Ch ' 8,002 459 'pst ,p. Surrey 2, Gluterfleld, p. ............. .. Derby 11,451 18,910 448 Chlrbury, p. Sslog 11,041 Cns'rmzrmnn, ms. 11. s. Derby: 9,836 448 Chirk, . . Den 15h 4. Chesterfield, Trinity, sch-d. Derby 3,814 448 Ohm e, p. Bermck 5,594 Chesterford, Greet, p. Essex 3,030 1,021 210 Chinon, tns. Northmb 1,180 Chesterl'o Little, p. Essex 1,200 216 210 n, Wilts 1,858 Chester-le- treat, [7. .... .. Durham 31,001 23,016 548 Chiselboronghap Somerset 1 Cnasmn-u-S-mnr, tn. Durham .550 548 cmelhnm ton, p. . on 1,210 Chesterton, p. . . . . Csmb. 2,129 2,986 186 Chishall, Cfreat, p. Essex 1,410 Chesterton 129 115 cmhau, Little, p. Essex 1.420 Chesterton, 884 159 Chisledon, p. . Wilts 4,15) Chesterton, tns ecl -d. 2,459 310 Chislehurst, p. Kent 2,186 Chesterton, p. 211 401 Chislel p. . Kent 6,835 Cheswardine, 1,159 864 Chiswi p. . Mddlx. 1,811 Chetnole, ch 269 216 Chiswo , p. . Derby Chemo, p. . . 111 211 China p. . Sussex 1,041 Chetton p. 590 250 Chittlehsrnpton, p. . Devon 8,120 Chetwoaem. Bucks 1.200 171 154 Guinea, ..... .. Wilts 1,1 Chetwynd, Sslop 8,803 119 866 Chinoe, t. Mary, sch-d. . Wilts Cheveley, . . Camb. 2,521 601 189 Chlvelstone, p. Devon 2,806 Chevening, p. Kent 8,113 932 60 Chobhsm, p - Surrey 11,536 Chevemllfireet. 17- Wilts 1.840 501 250 Cholderton, West, p. Wilts 6.661 Chevercll, Little, p. Wilts 1,980 234 250 Chouerton, p. ..... .. Northmb 12,950 Chevingm. . .... .. Suflolk 2. 021 214 Cholmondeley, m. . Cheshire 2,898 Chevington. ms. Northmb. 2,225 651 558 Cholmonduwne, ms. . Cheshire 1,146 Chevington, West, ms. Northmb. 1,804 161 558 Chelsey . ..... .. Berks 4,441 Chew p. Somerset 5,006 1,355 325 Chopweii, tns. . Durham 3,510 Chew Sto e, p. Somerset 2,092 158 825 Chorley, .-tn. t. Lane. 8,511 Chewton Mendip, p Somerset 916 823 Charley, t. George, 801.41. . Lane. Chicheley, p. ....... .. Bucks 6,514 265 153 Charley, St. Peter, och-d. . .. Ls-Iw- Cmcnzsrxn, 0. st. 5. P. w. s. Sussex .. 8,059 92 Chorley—by-Wilmslow, tns 011 e 1,351 Chichester, St. Paul, 801.41. Sussex 8,232 92 Charley Wood, och-d. . Harts_ Chickerell, Wat, Dorset 1,812 060 214 Chorley-by—Wrenbury, tns. Cheshire 1,881 Chicklsd Wilts 1,039 143 280 Charlton, tns. .. ............ .. . 1,921 Chiclmey Essex 100 16 200 Chorlton-by-Bmkford, tns. Cheshire 521 Gmdingfold, p. Surrey 6,936 1,161 42 Chorlton-w.-Hnrdy,tns. ecL-d. Lsnc._ 1.305 Chiddéngly, 17- Sussex 4.297 992 '19 Chorlton-by-Malpes, tns. .... .. Cheslnre mo Chasm“, 17- Kent 5:979 1,200 53 Chorlton-npon-Medlochtn Lane- 100 d , Dorset 2,052 194 218 All Saints, OGL-d- . Lsnc. Chidham Sussex 2,185 310 94 St. Luke, och-d. . Lane. 1.391 1,923 120 St. Saviour, ecl.-d. . Lana] .. 908 258 200 St. Ste en, sch-d. Lsno.. .. 416 10 200 Chorlton— -Wy‘bnnbnry,tns. Cheshire 810 4,522 2,616 198 Chomesbury, p. . Fuel"! 116 005 195 11.11, p. Essex 9.690 2,100 398 118 Christchurch, p. Glouces. 2,251 218 109 Christchurch, p. . Hams 24,985