Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/643

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The National Geographic Magazine

Index 583 Page United States, farms of the 39 — , Fisheries of 5 22 — , Foreign colonies in the 18 — , Immigration of : See Immigration. — , Japan and the 432 — , Mines and quarries 342 — , Proportion of children in the 505 — , Products of. 523 — , The commercial valuation of railway operating property in the 438 Urquhart, C. F., referred to 426 Vadis Quadrangle, Map of, issued by the U. S. Geo- logical Survey 126 Veil, The Purple, a romance of the sea 337 Victoria Falls, The 349 Villari, Luigi ; Book on Russia 564 Vina Quadrangle, Map of, issued by the U. S. Geo- logical Survey 126 Wack, Henry Wellington, Book on the story of the Kongo Free State by 200 Walker, J. G., referred to 446 Walcott, Charles D.. referred to 443 Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie ; Book on Russia.. 564 Warren, Senator, referred to 443 Water. Amount of the lower strata of 497 Watkins, James L. ; Report on the commercial cotton crop 527 Wayne Quadrangle, Map of, issued by the U. S. Geological Survey 426 Waves. Hot and cold 263 Weather and storms, Forecasting the ; Willis L. Moore 255 Weather Bureau, U. S., referred to 40, 131, 255 Weather chart, how made 253 Week, Henry Wellington, Book on the story of the Kongo Free State by 200 Weeks, Fred Boughton, Bibliograph and index of South American geology, paleontology, etc., by.. 444 Welborn, W. C, cited on Filipino trades 514 Wel'and Canal 477 Weller, Stuart, referred to 250 Page Weston Quadrangle, Map of, issued by the U. S. Geological Survey 126 West, The gardens of the n8 West, Leonard, cited on the angler fish 338 Wharton, Sir W. J. I y . ; Geography...., 483 Whitbeck, R. H. ; Geographic names and the stories they tell 100 Whites, Proportion of children among 505 Wilder, F. A., Report on the lignite of North Dakota and its relation to irrigation by 444, 520 Wilderness, Breaking the, Book on 200 Wiley, H. W. ; Report on experiments in the culture of sugarcane, etc 527 Wilcox, Walter F. ; Report on proportion of chil- dren in the United States 504 Williams, Henry Shaler, and Edward M. Kindle, Report on contributions to Devonian paleon- tology by 444 Wilson, James, report of 39, 82 Winchell, Alexander N., Report on boundaries of Minnesota by 444 Windom, Secretary, referred to 13 Women divers, Famons, of Shima 217 Wood, B. D.,and J. C. Hoyt, Index of hydrographic progress, Reports of the U. S. Geological Survey by 520 Woodsfield Quadrangle, Map of, issued by the U. S. Geological Survey , 427 Woodworth, J. B., referred to. 250 Workman, Henry and Fannie Bullock, Book on through towns and jungles by 199 World, Chart of the 50, 87 — , The highest dam in the 440 — , Great canals of the 475 — , Marine hydrographic surveys of coasts of the... 63 — migrations 1 Wright, Charles W., Report on the Porcupine placer district, Alaska, by 444 Wright, F. E and C. W., Report on Alaska by 513 Zambales, Negritos of, Book on 358 Zemstvos, when created 61 Ziegler polar expedition 198, 439 Ziegler, William, obituary 355 Zon, Raphael, Report on the chestnut in southern Maryland by 443