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180 plint's natural iiistoey. [Book III. the territory of the Arecomici, PiscenaD^ the Euteni"^, the Sanagenses^, the Tolosani'* in the territory of the Tectosages on the confines of Aquitania, the Tasconi°, the Tarusconi- enses*', the Unibranici, Vasio** and Lueus Angusti^, the two capitals of the federate state of the Vocontii. There are also nineteen towns of less note, as well as twenty-four belonging to the people of Nemausum. To this list ^'^ the Emperor Galba added tw^o tribes dwelling among the Alps, the Avantici^^ and the Bodiontici, to whom belongs the town of Dinia'^. According to Agrippa the length of the province of Glallia Narbonensis is 370 miles, and its breadth 248^^. CHAP. 6. (5.) — or ITALY. 'Next comes Italy, and we begin with the Ligui'es'^, after The remains of its aqueduct stL'^ sui-vive, containing three rows of arches, one above the other, and 180 feet ui heigiit. 1 The people of the present Pezenas, in the department of the Herault. 2 Their cliief towia is supposed to have been Albiga, now Albi, in the department of Tarn. 3 The inhabitants of the present Senez in the Basses Alpes. De la Saussaye says that their coins read ' Samnagenses,' and not ' Sanagenses,' and that they inhabited Senas, a town in the vicinity of Aix. ^ Their cliief town was Tolosa, now Toulouse, in the department of the Haute- Garonne. ^ They probably lived in the vicinity of the present Montauban, in the department of the Tarn et Graronne. ^ Probably the inhabitants of the site of the modern town of Taraecon. There is, however, considerable doubt as to these two names. 7 Poinsuaet tliinks that they occupied Vabres, a place situate in the south of the department of Aveyron. ^ Now Vaison, in the department of Yaucluse. 9 " The Grove of Augustus." This town appears to have been over- flowed by the river Drvuna, which formed a lake on its site. Its remains Trere stiU to be seen in the lake in modern thnes, and from it the to n on the margin of the lake takes its name of Le Luc. ^0 Under the name " formula" Pliny perhaps ailvides to the official list of the Roman governmeiit, which he had consvilted for the purposes of accuracy. ^^ Bouche places the site of this people at the vUlage of Avangon, be- tween Chorges and Gap, in the department of the Hautes Alpes. ^2 The present town of Digne, in the department of the Basses Alpes. ^3 It is not known from what points these measurements of om* author arj taken. ^* The modern names of these localities will form the subject of con-