Page:The Natural History of Pliny.djvu/224

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190 plits^t's KATIJEAL HISTOET. [Book III. Hortanum^ Herbaniim^, Nepeta^, Novem Pagi*, the Clau- dian praefecture of Forocloclium"^, Pistoriuin^, Perusia^, the Suanenses, the Saturnini, formerly called the Aiirinini, the Subertani^, the Statones^, the Tarqiiiiiienses^'^, the Tuscaiii- enses", the Yetulonienses^-, the Veientaiii^^, the Yesentini^^, t]ie A^olaterrani^^, the Voleentini^'^, surnamed Etrusci, and the Volsinienses^. In the same district the territories of and Corchiano, where there are considerable remains of an Etruscan city. The spot is named San Silvestro, from a ruined church there. ^ Or Horta ; the spot now called Orte, where numerous Etruscan re- mains ar-e found ; it probably derived its name from the Etruscan god- dess Ilorta. Hortanum, the name given to it by Pliny, is perhaps an adjective form of the name, "oppidum" being understood. • 2 Possibly the same as ' Urbs Vetus,' on the side of which the present Orvieto stands. ^ Now Nepi, near the river Pozzolo.

  • According to Hardouui the site of the Novem Pagi, or nine Boroughs,

is occupied by the modern II Mignone, near Civita Yeccliia. ^ Its site is generally supposed to have been at Oriuolo, about five miles north of Bracciano ; but Dennis informs us that there are no ancient remains at that place. Being a praefecture it may have consisted of only a number of httle villages, vuiited in one jm-isdiction. ^ The modern Pistoia stands on its site. '^ ISTow Perugia. s Supposed by Hardoum to have hihabited the site of the modern Sovrctto. 9 Probably situate in the modern dvichy of Castro. 10 The people of Tarquinii near Roine. the head of the Etruscan con- federation. It was here that Deraaratus the Corinthian, the father of Tarquinius Priscus, settled. It was deserted by its inhabitants in the eighth or ninth century, who founded the town of Corneto on a hill opposite to it. The ruins are known as Tm*cliina, a corrviption of the ancient name. 1^ The site of their town is probably marked by the modern ToscaneUa. ^ The ruins of their town still retain somewhat of tlieu' ancient name in that of " VetuhaJ' 1^ The people of the powerful city of Veil, subdued by Camillus. Its ruins have been discovered in the vicinity of the viUage of Isola Farnese. i"* Their town stood on the site of the present Bisontia. 1^ The people of Volaterrse, the present Volterra, one of the twelve cities of the Etruscan Confederation. It was for a time the residence of the kings of Lombardy. I'he modem tovra covers only a smaU portion of the area of the ancient city, of which tlu're are some interesting remains. ^^' The people of Volci or Yulci, of which the ruins bear the same name. Its sepul(;hres have produced vast treasures of ancient art. ^^ The people of Yolsinii or Vulsinil, now called Bolsena. This was one of the most ancient and powerful of the twelve cities of the Etruscan confederation. On tlieir subjugation by the Romans the Etruscan city was destroyed, and its inhabitants were compelled to settle on a less de-