Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/104

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The robbers, amounting to ten, were clad in hunting coats, and their purses well stored with gold and silver coin; the whole train marching slowly on, with lighted torches, arrived at A—— before it was light, and the prisoners were safely lodged in the strongest dungeon.

Their trial commenced early in the morning, and the youngest of the robbers, who was questioned first, refusing to confess, was put to the rack; his stubbornness being soon subdued, by the torments of the torture, he made evidence, that their gang was very numerous, and scattered all over the country, where they had a great many hiding places under ground; their chief residence, he said, was the old Castle, on the skirts of the Black Forest, where a great part of their spoils was concealed: He farther confessed, that Father Peter was in close connexion with all the different numerous gangs; that he had no fixed abode, but resided sometimes in this, and at other times in that town, and enjoyed the burghership in several cities, where he possessedhouses