Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/101

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from the same quarter and from the villages around, that the Jacobites here would hail with gladness, and receive with gratitude, a mission from the Anglican Church.

How this work should be carried on, the Church alone has a right to decide; but it is certain that something may and something ought to be done in behalf of the Syrians. It is not enough to establish schools among them; the special mission of the Church in this instance would be to reform the errors of their creed, and to raise them up from their present state of spiritual destitution, and she will see to it that her missionaries are allowed to teach the whole truth of God, and that the ecclesiastical heads of the Jacobites sanction and approve of such a course. If some withhold their consent, wishing only to obtain from us the means of furthering their own erroneous doctrines, or of giving their people the benefits of secular knowledge, then we can turn to those who will welcome us as the reformers of their Church, and from my own knowledge there are several dioceses and Bishops who would not hesitate to receive us in that capacity.

Hoping that God will put it into the heart of the Church at home to enter upon this charitable work, I shall draw these remarks to a close, and resume our former narrative.