Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/163

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N. He has no mother.

Q. Then you make him greater than Jesus, whose mother was the blessed Virgin Mary?

N. So it is; Sheikh Adi is greater than Jesus. He is without parentage, and is from the light.

Q. When did Sheikh Adi die?

N. He is not dead, neither can he die.

Q. What will become of you after death?

N. I do not know.

Q. Do you believe in heaven and hell?

N. Yes.

Q. Who is the author of good ?

Elder Attendant. Khoodé, (the Coordish for "God,") or Sheikh Adi.

Q. Who is the author of evil?

E. A. Melek Taoos.

Q. Will evil have an end?

E. A. N. Will evil end while the world continues to exist?

Q. But will not the world have an end?

N. Yes.

Q. How long will good reign?

E. A. Good will reign for seventy years.

Q. What will then become of Melek Taoos?

E. A. God will give him another place.

Q. Is it true that adultery is allowed among you?

Younger Attendant. Yes ; men and women are allowed to do as they please when within the precincts of Sheikh Adi.

Q. Did Sheikh Adi commit adultery?

Y. A. God forbid! Did Jesus do such things?

Q. No; neither does He permit His followers to do them; but according to your admission, that is lawful which Sheikh Adi disallowed.

Here the elder attendant interposed, and contradicted his companion. He then pointed to a stone raised on the mountains above, and addressing me said: "Whenever the Yezeedees cross that limit, they are bound to forget all such things."

Q. Are you married?

E.A. No.

Q. Whose son is that who follows you about?