Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/189

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Founding of the Christian Church in the East by Mar Addai and Mar Mari, of the Seventy.—Its relation to the See of Antioch.—It is raised into a separate Patriarchate.—History of the Eastern Church under the Sassanian rulers and the Caliphs of Baghdad.—Hereditary succession to the Patriarchate introduced.—Divisions arise about the Patriarchal succession.—A separate Primate is established in Coordistan.—A schism is created by Roman missionaries among the Nestorians of Diarbekir, where a new Patriarchate is set up by the Pope.—Dissensions arise among the Nestorians of the plains, whose Patriarch secedes to Rome.—Account of this secession, and of the events which followed thereupon, as given by Mutran Hanna the Patriarch, in his autobiography.—Unfair proceedings of the Court of Rome.—The convent of Rabban Hormuzd is reopened.—The monks oppose the Patriarch, who is first suspended and afterwards restored by the Pope.—The Abbot of Rabban Hormuzd sends five monks to be consecrated Metropolitans by Mar Yoosef, the Chaldean Patriarch of Diarbekir.—Confusion ensues.—Mutran Hanna is imprisoned and again restored to his See.—Death of Mar Yoosef V.—The monks appeal to Rome against Mutran Hanna, who is confirmed in his dignity, but not allowed to consecrate any of his relations to the Episcopal office.—Consequent abolition of hereditary succession.—Mutran Hanna's nephew is consecrated Metropolitan by Mar Shimoon, probably by the secret advice of his uncle.—He soon abjures Nestorianism.—Death of Mutran Hanna.—The Chaldean Bishops proceed to elect a new Patriarch, but cannot agree in their decision.—The Pope appoints a successor.—Reasons for the appointment of Mar Zeyya.—The Chaldeans of Mosul desire a reform.—Alarm excited among the Romanists by this movement.—The Chaldean sect is recognized by the Porte.—Bad treatment of the old Patriarchal family by the Romanists.—Causes which led Mar Zeyya to resign the Patriarchate.—Mar Yoosef succeeds him.—Hierarchy of the Chaldeans.—Their different dioceses and population.—Their present condition.—Origin of the title "Chaldean," and its proper application.

I shall now enter upon the principal design of this work, premising, however, that as my chief object is to lay before the Church the present condition of the Nestorians, no more will be said of their past history than may appear necessary to