Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/287

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mites which she cast into Thy treasury, and the oblation which Thy Apostles offered in the upper chamber, and like those which the true martyrs of the Old and New Testaments offered up unto Thee in love and purity.

O Lord, the High, the Excellent, the Compassionate, who sittest on the ship of the clouds, at whose voice the dead shall rise up in the twinkling of an eye,—accept, we pray Thee, this service of Thy servants, and save them from death, give them the reward of heavenly happiness, deliver them from destruction, and from the envious and unpitying, O Christ, who art the hope of all who put their trust in Thee.

O Lord God the immortal, O Jesus the just. His only Son Christ, accept from this congregation the oblation which they offer up unto Thee with Diodorus, and Theodorus, and Mar Nestorius, and Anthonius, and Macarius, and Pachomius, and Serapion, and Arsamas, and with the seven youths of the cave of Ephesus, who fled from before Decius, and slept a sleep of three hundred years at the order of the Immortal, and the Lord of the sleepers awoke them. Have pity upon Thy servants who have offered these prayers and supplications unto Thee, through the intercession of the Apostles and Fathers the companions of Peter, and of the orthodox doctors, and of Stephen the first-fruits of the martyrs, and of Mar Gheorghees.

Upon Thee, O Jesus the triumphant King, do I who am a sinner call; cleanse me, O Lord, from my sins, save me from the hand of him who taketh captive, and do not number me with those who are on the left hand; but mingle me with those who are on the right, and fit me, in Thy mercy, for that kingdom which passeth not away, that I may exult with Enoch and Elijah, and with David the prophet, who sang hallelujahs by night and by day. Unto Thee lift I up mine eyes, Thou that dwellest in the heavens, even as the eyes of a servant do look unto his master, that Thou mayest have mercy upon me in that great day when Thou shalt appear in Thy glory. Have pity upon Thy servant according to his need; have mercy upon me, O Lord, according to Thy grace when Thy justice shall judge us at the last day. Rebuke me not in Thine anger, but save me, through Thy name, in this world from all mine enemies, and from those who hate me. O Lord, I have called upon