Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/294

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Charm to excite love in a woman towards a man.

In the name of the talismans, Hâzo, Tôf, Miseeteeso, Mar Dileetos, Partes Isteepis, Mar Yesus, Diotaros, and Maximus, go presently and hastily to A. B. the daughter of C. B. and deprive her of her mind and understanding, that she may run after M. D. the son of N. D. I demand of these names that A. B, may also go after M. D. and follow him from house to house, from town to town, from village to village, from city to city, and from market to market. Even so order it to be. Amen and Amen.

I regret to state that the clergy are generally the authors of these absurd and profane effusions; and I was not a little surprised to learn, on my visit to Leezan in 1850, that Kasha Kena, who is so highly spoken of both by Mr. Ainsworth and Mr. Layard, is in the practice of drawing up and transcribing similar charms, which he sells to the people in the surrounding villages.