Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/348

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that there still remains in the west a holy Church independent and free from the corruptions of the See of Rome, (which is the mother of error,) with a priesthood derived from the Apostles, a right doctrine respecting the holy Sacraments as well as a primitive ritual. All these things we have seen in practice in your deputy the presbyter George Badger, and herein we rejoiced, and do still rejoice and give thanks to God, praying that He may multiply you exceedingly, increase and strengthen your faith, and bless and establish your Church so that it may spread to the four quarters of the world.

"Finally, brethren, accept our sincere thanks for having sent us so esteemed and zealous a son, who though he has been with us for a short season, yet his services have been very valuable. We have good hope, moreover, that you will send him back to us without delay with glad tidings, and in the fulness of the Gospel of Christ, that he may accomplish what he has begun amongst us, through the blessing of our Lord, to whom be glory, and power, and dominion, in His holy Church, now and for evermore. Amen.

"Written on the fourteenth of Nisan, in the town of Mosul, in the year of our Lord 1844, and of the Grecian era 2155, by the hand of the undeserving Auraham."

l. s.

The following epistle is addressed to His Grace the Primate, as the President of the Gospel Propagation Society.


"To the Most Reverend Mar William, Primate of England, and to all others of the holy Society for the Propagation of the living Gospel of Christ,—Mar Shimoon, Patriarch of the Chaldeans in the East, sendeth greeting in the Lord.

"Be it known unto you, dearly beloved brethren, that we begin to write this epistle with a heart full of pain and grief, since, as it appears, our two former letters cannot have reached you because no answer has yet reached us; the Lord grant that the delay may be for the best. But the distressful circum-