Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/35

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Their Rituals, &c.


Departure from England, and arrival at Constantinople.—Mutran Behnâm, and the Jacobite Churches.—French and Russian protection of the Greek, Armenian and Latin Christians.—Patriarchs at Constantinople.—Mode of Electing the Greek Patriarch.—Missions of the American Independents in the East.—Results of their operations.—Sir Stratford Canning.—Intercourse with the Greek and Armenian Clergy.—Desirableness of rightly making known the doctrine and discipline of the Anglican Churches to the Churches of the East.—Plan of a work to that end.

Long shall I recall to mind, with sincere gratitude, the pious valediction of our late revered Primate at Lambeth, and the cordial farewell with which the present Lord Bishop of London sped us on our way, and commended our persons and our work to the blessing of the Almighty.

We left London bridge on the 2nd of April, 1842, for the coast of France; but as the journal of an ordinary traveller through that country would be of little interest to the generality of readers, and contain, moreover, matter foreign to the design of this work, I shall simply state, that after arriving at Marseilles, touching at several seaports in the Mediterranean, spending some time on business at Malta, and visiting Syra and Smyrna, we reached Constantinople on the 24th of June, where