Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/463

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1 It would be charitable to add that, in a sect anathematized by his Church, the temporal head of that Church cannot be expected to feel much interest. The Armenian communion, separated rather by a misunderstanding than by heresy, and no doubt shortly to be rejoined to the Orthodox Eastern Church, is on a different footing.

2 Nevertheless, the Catholicos of Armenia is to all intents and purposes Patriarch, and is usually so called in official documents.

3 This See is Metropolitical, and ranks eighth among those that are dependent on Constantinople. The official title of the Prelate is, Metropolitan of Dercus and Neochorum; Most Excellent, and Exarch of all the Thracian Bosporus.

4 This unjust and cruel persecution deserves a longer narration.

5 The Archbishop of Trebizond ranks twenty-second among those subject to Constantinople. He calls himself, Most Excellent, and Exarch of all Lazica.

6 In the Report of the Russian Minister of the Interior for 1843, Amâsia is a Metropolitical See of the Armenian Church, with a Suffragan at Sepucha.

7 No such See now appears in the official notitia of the Church of Constantinople.

8 A Suffragan of the Metropolitan of Agen.

9 If this account be correct, the doctrine of the Syro-Jacobites respecting Adam and Eve is singularly different from that of the Eastern Church, by which they are celebrated in the Menæa.

10 I had already assigned some reasons for not agreeing with this hypothesis of the author's, when, in a later communication, he informed me that he no longer held it.

11 It need hardly be observed that this letter, though curious enough, is a palpable forgery.

d d 2