Page:The New-Year's Bargain (1884).djvu/106

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"All the little boys and girls were immensely excited when these cards came, and especially at 'R. S. V. P.' They were anxious to know what it could mean. Some one told them, 'Real Sweet Violet Powder;' but the children said, 'Pshaw! that was too silly.'"

"What did it really mean?" asked Thekla.

"I'm sure I don't know," said June. "How should I? I never go to parties. Perhaps the last word is 'Pringle:' that begins with 'P.' But, whatever it means, it was nice to have them printed there, because it set the little folks guessing, and doubled the fun. Meantime, Dotty and Willy were hard at work getting ready for the grand affair. It took almost a week, I can tell you.

"Every thing had to be scrubbed, of course. All the windows were washed, and the furniture dusted. The neighbors sent contributions of cake and biscuit; and, to make the feast more imposing, Mr. Pringle ordered up a big basket of peaches.

"When the time came, Dotty and Willy, in