Page:The New Arcadia (Tucker).djvu/202

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"O what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive."—Scott.

"My friend, get money; get a large estate
By honest means; but get at any rate."—Horace.

"I hate ingratitude more in a man

Than lying vainness, babbling, drunkenness, or any taint of vice."


"Fifty thousand pounds that bit of paper's worth if only things take a right turn."

Elms sat at the table in his front parlour. Malduke bent over him scanning two documents, evidently objects of interest to both men.

"The boss will not rummage for them again, and won't miss them," continued Elms. "I was in luck; he got me to help him overhaul the papers he's got registered in a book and stowed away in the safe. He was two minds to make away with this bit of a Will about the first affair. My heart was in my mouth. 'At any rate the land's there,' he says; 'it hasn't run away, though the people have. If anything happened to me it might be worth something to you, Elms.' Then he adds a codicil, and sets two visitor chaps to witness it.

"'This property I bequeath to my faithful co-worker, John Elms, for his sole use and benefit.'