Page:The New Europe - Volume 4.djvu/10

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Supplement to The New Europe]
[11 October 1917


No. 44. The Russian Coalition.
Mr. Kerenski’s New Ministry. By Rurik.
The Ukraine Problem. By Rubicon.
Mr. Lloyd George on Serbia.
Slesvig: the Legacy of 1864. By J. C. Van der Veer.
Europe and South America. By Lady Grogan.
Count Tisza and Mr. Balfou.
La Nouvelle Société Helvétique.
No. 45. The Papal Note.
The Voice of the Vatican.
The “Evacuation” of Epirus.
Austria: A Study in Confusion. By V. Nosek.
Roumania’s War Anniversary.
Mr. Balfour on “Secret Diplomacy”. By A. F. Whyte, M.P.
The Ukraine Problem since the Revolution. By Rurik.
Herr Bernstein as Witness for the Prosecution.
“The Adriatic Problem” (from the Unità).
Magyar Ideals.
No. 46. Stockholm?
Stockholm and La Victoire Intégrale. By A. F. Whyte, M.P.
Spain and Russia: A Parallel. By S. de Madariaga.
The New Risorgimento.
The Bulgarians and Slavdom. By Milan Ćurčin.
The Moscow Conference. By Rurik.
"A School of Foreign Affairs".
II.I. The Present Equipment of London.
II. A Founder of Schools of Diplomacy.
A German-American on Germany.
No. 47. La Victoire Intégrale.
La Victoire Intégrale. By A. F. Whyte, M.P.
The Reform of Diplomacy. By Diplomaticus.
Kerenski and Kornilov. By Rurik.
The Hospitallers and Constantinople. By Lt.-Col. A. C. Yate.
An Armchair Jingo on German Aims.
The Serbo-Roumanian Barrier.
Jugoslav Sentiment in the Serbian Army.
No. 48. French View of Stockholm.
Stockholm: A French View. By Villehardouin.
Quo Vadis, Germania?. By Boreas.
Who is to represent Poland?. By A Pole.
The Moral of the Morel Case.
The Pope’s Motives.
Sweden and Neutrality.
Austrian Intrigues in Switzerland.
Cardinal Bégin and Conscription.
“Dying Serbia”.
