Page:The New Forest - its history and its scenery.djvu/315

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Peculiar to, or characteristic of, the Forest.

Cornus sanguinea, Lin., Cornel-tree, 439.

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Lin., Marsh Pennywort. Throughout the Forest, 441.

Sanicula Europæa, Lin., Wood Sanicle. In most of the old woods, 442.

Viscum album, Lin., Mistletoe. Grows chiefly on the black poplar, especially near Godshill. I have never seen it on the oak. Abundance of it may be found in the apple-trees in the Forest keeper's garden at Boldrewood, 503.

Sambucus nigra, Lin., Common Elder, 504.

Sambucus ebulus, Lin., Danewort. "Near Lyndhurst," T. B. Rake, Esq., 505.

Viburnum Opulus, Lin., Guelder Rose, 506.

Lonicera Periclymenum, Lin., Common Honeysuckle, 508.

Galium verum, Lin., Ladies' Bedstraw, 513.

Hieracium vulgatum, Freis., Wood Hawkweed, 568 (24).

Serratula tinctoria, Lin., Sawwort. Throughout the Forest, 594,

Carduus Marianus, Lin., Blessed Thistle. Forest roadsides, 598.

Carduus pratensis, Huds., Meadow Thistle. Abundant in the southern part of the Forest round Wootton, 604.

Bidens cernua, Lin., Nodding Bur Marigold. Waste lands round and in the Forest. Has a fine effect on the landscape near Godshill; common, however, throughout the district, 617.

Eupatorium cannabinum, Lin., Hemp Agrimony. Gives a rich appearance to the Forest streams; but, of course, abundant elsewhere, 619.

Filago minima, Fries. The Least Cudweed, 634.

Solidago Virgaurea, Lin., Golden Rod. Throughout the Forest, 642.

Senecio sylvaticus, Lin., Wild Groundsel. This plant, with the common nettle, is especially remarkable in the Forest, as an indication of the former existence of habitations. It may be noticed in Sloden, Eyeworth, and Island's Thorn, near the Romano-British potteries. (See ch. xviii. p. 216, foot-note.)

Achillea ptarmica, Lin., Sneesewort. Throughout the Forest, 671.

Campanula rotundifolia, Lin., Nodding-flowered Hare-bell, 675.

Jasione montana, Lin., Sheep's-bit Scabious, 687.

Erica Tetralix, Lin., Cross-leaved Heath, 690.

Erica cinerea, Lin., Fine-leaved Heath, 692.

Calluna vulgaris, Salisb., Common Ling, 695.

Vaccinium Myrtillus, Lin., the Bilberry; better known in the Forest as the "Blackheart," 703.

Ilex Aquifolium, Lin., Common Holly. Most abundant, 713.

Fraxinus excelsior, Lin., Common Ash. Scarce, 715.

Vinca minor, Lin., Lesser Periwinkle. Hedges round and in the Forest, as at Sway, Ashley, Canterton, 716.

Gentiana Pneumonanthe, Lin., Calathian Violet. Very plentiful some years at Wootton, 719.

Cicendia filiformis, Reich., Least Gentianella. Damp places in the Forest. Rev. H. M. Wilkinson gives especially the neighbourhood of Burley, 723.

Menyanthes trifoliata, Lin., Common in most of the Forest pools on the South, 727.

Cuscuta Epithymum, Sm., Lesser Dodder. Distributed through the Forest, on the heath and furze, 734.

Verbascum Blattaria, Lin., Moth Mullein. Not common in the Forest. I have seen a few specimens on Ashley Common; but, in 1861, a field near the new parsonage was covered with it and the viper's bugloss. Mr. Rake has found it growing at Gorely, on the north-west side of the Forest, 744.