Page:The New Forest - its history and its scenery.djvu/353

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  • Church Green, in Eyeworth Wood, 32 (foot-note).
  • Church Lytton, at Wootton, 32, 33 (foot-note).
  • Church Moor, near Mark Ash, 32 (foot-note).
  • Church Place, at Sloden, 32 (foot-note).
  • Churchwardens' Books, at Ellingham, extracts from, 229-231; at Fordingbridge, extracts from, 230, 231.
  • Chydioke, effigy of Sir John, in the Priory Church of Christchurch, 142, 176, 177.
  • Clay Hill, view from, 86.
  • Cluny, Hugh, Abbot of, foretells the death of William II., 101.
  • Coleridge, at Mudeford, 145.
  • Colgrimesmore, the ancient name of Souley Pond, 72.
  • Commoners, rights of the, in the New Forest, 46.
  • Coronella lævis, 259 (foot-note).
  • Corporation Books, extracts from the Christchurch, 135, 136 (foot-note); from the Lymington, 155 (foot-note).
  • Court, Moyles, 120, 121.
  • Crockle, Roman and Romano-British potteries at, 217-219; their probable date, 222.
  • Cross, the Staple, 146; the, at Bargate, 120.
  • Cuckoo, sayings concerning the, 180.
  • Customs, old, in the Forest, 178.

  • Dame Slough, 273.
  • Dauphin of France, arms of the, formerly in Boldre Church, 80; embarked at Leap, 55.
  • Defoe, his plan for colonizing the Forest with the Palatine refugees, 47.
  • Deer in the Forest, abolished in 1851, 46; a few left, 113.
  • Deer-stealing, method of, 171.
  • Denny Wood, 79; heronry at, 273.
  • Dibden, church at, 50, 51 (foot-note).
  • Diodorus Siculus, quotation from, 57 (foot-note).
  • Dissolution of the religious houses, its need, 64, 137; of Beaulieu Abbey, 65; of Christchurch Priory, 138.
  • Domesday, analysis and evidence of, on the afforestation of the New Forest, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31; churches in the Forest still in part remaining mentioned in, 31; Eling in, 51 (foot-note); ltedbridge in, 51 (foot-note); Lyndhurst in, 87 (foot-note); Fordingbridge in, 117; Christchurch in, 131; mills in, rented by a payment of eels, 128, 119 (foot-note); Ringwood in, 123 (foot-note); Christchurch in, 131; Beckley, Baishley, and Milton in, 148 (foot-note); Lymington in, 155.
  • Draper, John, the last prior of Christchurch Priory, character of, 137, 138.
  • Drift, in the Forest, its contents, 236.
  • Durham, Simon of, on the afforestation of the New Forest, 25 (foot-note); on the death of William II., 95 (foot-note).

  • Eagle, golden, the, 260; sea, the, 261.
  • Eaglehurst, 59.
  • Easter Sepulchre, at Brockenhurst Church, 77.
  • Ecclesiastica, or the Book of Remembrance, 122 (foot-note).
  • Edward I. issues writs for the perambulation of the Forest, 41; possesses the Castle of Christchurch, 132.
  • Edward III., corbel head of, in Sopley Church, 127.
  • Edward VI. at Christchurch, 134.
  • Eel, peculiar to the Avon, an, 125.
  • Eels, mills rented by a payment of, 119 (foot-note), 128.
  • Eling, in Domesday, 51 (foot-note); extract from parish register of, 228.
  • Ellingham, cross roads at, 120; Church of, 122, 123; extract from Churchwardens' Books of, 229, 230, 231.
  • England, its peculiar interest to Englishmen, 2; ignorance of, by Englishmen, 2.
  • Everton, etymology of, 75.
  • Exbury, 59; herons feeding near, 273.
  • Exe, the river, 69; derivation of, 163.

  • Fairies in the New Forest, 174, 175.
  • Falcon, peregrine, 261.
  • Fawley, village of, 51; church, 51; Norman doorway of church, 59.
  • Ferns in the Forest, 255, 256.
  • Ferrels, or "Verrels," meaning of, 82.
  • Fidley, Wood-, rain, meaning of, 79.
  • Flambard, hated by the clergy, 102; builds the Priory Church of Christchurch, 136.
  • Florence of Worcester, on the afforestation of the New Forest, 24; on the death of William II., 95 (foot-note).
  • Flowers. See Botany.
  • Folk-lore, value of, 173; in the New Forest, 174-180.
  • Font, Norman, at Brockenhurst, 77.
  • Fordingbridge, 117; church of, 118; ancient tenure at, 117 (foot-note); extracts from Churchwardens' Books of, 230, 231.