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turned to The Hague, where, iii colhiboration with Weihind, he edited the Magazijn voor Toon- en HchUdcrkunst. His comedy, Z»e ?/ei;e» (1837), was very favorably received, and is ranked among the best modern works of its class. Among his other works may be mentioned: De 'Nichteii (1842) ; Froza en Poezij (18G3).

BERGHAUS, berK'hous, Heinkich (1797- 1884). A German geographer, born in Cleves, Prussia. In 1810 he was made 'geographical engineer' in the War Department in Berlin, and was employed on llie trigonometrical survey of Prussia. In 1825 he became professor of applied mathematics in the Architectural Academy of Berlin, and in 183!) director of a school of geo- graphy in Potsdam. The best known of his car- tographical works is his Pliysikalischcr Atlas (90 plates, Gotha, 1838-48), which forms the basis of Jolmston's work of the same title, published in Edinburgh. In 185(3-00 he published a work entitled llos man ron drr Erde iceiss. In 1855- 60 appeared an Atlas dcr osterreichischcn Mo- liurchic, and Lnndhuvh der Mark Brandenburg. In 1882 appeared his Landbuch von Ponmiern, and in 1803, Brief wechsel Alexander von Hum- boldt s ntit H. Bcrghaus.

BERGHAUS, Hermann (1828-90). A Ger- man cartograjjher, nephew of Heinrich Berghaus. He was born at Herford, Westphalia. From 1852 he as employed in the Geographical In- stitute of Justus Perthes at Gotha, and besides the widely known Chart of the ll'orW (1803), which has passed through eleven editions, he pub- lished Physikalische Karte der Erde (1874); Phi/sikalische ^'andkarte ron' Evropa (1875); Karte der Alpen (1878); Physikalische Watid- karte von Afrika (1881) ; and the revised edi- tion of his uncle's great Physikalischer Atlas (1886), in which he was aided by a number of noted specialists.

BERGK, Theodor (1812-81). A distinguished German classical scholar. He was born in Leip- zig, in 1812, and from 1842 to 1809 was professor of philology at Marburg, Freiburg, and Halle. In 1809 ill health forced him to resign, and the remainder of his life was spent in the prepara- tion of his Geschichte dcr f/riechischen Litleratur, of which he finished only the first vohune in 1872, the other two being edited by G. Hinrichs, 1883-84. Bergk's chief complete work is his Poetas Lyrici Grceci (3 vols., Leipzig, 1843; 4th ed., 1878; Vol. I. in .5th ed. by Sehroeder, 1900). He also published numerous philological papers and several editions of individual Greek poets. He died July 20, .1881.

BERGMAN, berg'man, Torbern Olof (1735- 84). A Swedisli chemist and mathematician. He was born at Katharinberg. He was sent to the Vniversitj' of Upsala, with a view to prosecute studies qualifying him either for the Church or the bar; but disliking both, he devoted himself to natural history, physics, and mathematics, and soon made some interesting discoveries in en- tomolog}', and distinguished himself as an as- tronomical observer. In 1758 he was made jjro- fessor of physics, and several years later, after publishing an excellent work on the manufacture of alum, professor of chemistry and mineralogy, at the University of Upsala. Bergman published a vast number of dissertations, a collection of which, in six volumes, appeared at Upsala in 1779-81, under the title Opuscula Torherni Berg- man, Physica, Chcmica, ct MineraUa. His cele- brated essay on Elective Attractions was trans- lated into English by Dr. Bcddoes. According to Bergman's theory, substances have certain defi- nite affinities for one anotlier, which determine completely the course of all chemical transforma- tions. Thus, let A be a substance capable of combining with either B or C, and let its affinity for the substance C be greater than its affinity for the substance B. Then, if brought in con- tact with a mixture of B and C, A will combine with C alone. Again, if C be brought in contact with the compound AB formed b,y the union of A and B, decomposition of AB will take place; B will be set free and A will unite with C to form the compound AC. A quarter of a century later the French chemist Berthollet (q.v.) set fortli the view now adopted universally that chemical transformations depend not only upon the affinities, but also upon the relative masses of the reacting substances.

BERGMANN, berK'man, Ernst von (1836 — ). A German surgeon, born at Rujen, Livonia, Eussia. He studied at the universities of Dor- pat, Vienna, and Berlin, was connected with the hospital service in the War of 1800 and the Franco-Prussian War, and in 1871-78 was pro- fessor of surgery at Dorpat. From 1878 to 1882 he was professor at the University of Wiirzburg, and in the latter year was appointed professor of surgery at Berlin. His publications include the following treatises: Zur Lehre von der Fettem- holio (1803); Die Resultate der Gelenkresek' iionen im Kriege (Giessen, 1874) ; Die Lehre von den Kopfverletzungen (1880); and Die chirur- gische Behandlung von Birnkrankheiten (1898).

BERGMANN, Julius ( 1840-1904 ) . A German philosopher. He was born at Opherdike, West- phalia, and studied philosophy and mathematics- at the universities of Gottingen and Berlin. In 1872 he became professor of philosophj' at Konigsberg, and in 1875 was called to Marburg in the same capacity. The following are among his principal works: Grundlinien einer Thcorie dcs Bcirusstseins (1870); Zur Beurtcilung des Kriticismus (1875); Reine Logik (1879); Sein und Erkennen (1880) ; Die Grundprobleme der Logik (1882, rev., 1895) ; Geschichte der Phi- losophic (Vols. I and II., 1892-94) ; Vntersuch- vngen ilher Haiiptpunkte der Philosophic (1900).

BERG'MANN, Kari. (1821-70). An Ameri- can musician. He was born at Ebersbach, Saxony, studied at Zittau and Breslau, and came to America in 1850 as a member of the Germania Crchestra, the leader of Avliich he afterwards became. From 1802 until his death he was con- ductor of the Philliarmonic Orchestra in New York City, and in this capacity contributed greatly to the advancement of good music in America.

BERGMEHL, berK'mil. See Diatomaceous Earth.

BERGSOE, berg's?, Jorgen Vilhelm (1835 — ). A Danish naturalist, novelist, and poet, born in Copenhagen. In the course of biological researches at Messina he became partl,v blinded by excessive use of the microscope, and so was diverted to fiction. His first novel, Piazza del Popolo (1800), was very successful, and was followed l)y many others, of which Who Was Het is the best. A volume of poems, A'oiu and Then (1807), is inferior, but all his work shows a