Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 04.djvu/194

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CANTON. 158 CANTON. lished a factory in Canton in 1684, when the entire foreign trade of China was eontined to that city. From 1G84 to 1834 the Chinese trade with (ireat Britain was a monopoly of the East India Company, while the British trade with China was conhned to a few 'hong' merchants, who acted as intermediaries in all matters afl'ect- ing the Government and aliens. The aversion of the natives to foreigners, coupled with the in- terference of the Chinese Government with the importation of opium (amounting, in 1837, to 30,000 chests), brought about a declaration of war by Great Britain in 1831). In 1841 the Bogue forts, "giii'i"'li"" *-'"^ approach to Canton, were re- duced bv the British, and the occupation of the citv itself was averted only by the payment of'a ransom of ?6,087,.500. The conclusion of the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, by which four more ports were opened to British trade, had a detrimental eilect on the commerce of Canton. Fresh outbreaks on the part of the natives in 18.56 were followed by the military occupation of the city by French aiid British troops from 18.57 to 1801, since wlien Canton has been practically open to foreign trade and residence. The commercial relations of the United States with Canton and China date from 1784. The exportation of cotton from the United States to Canton began in the last decade of the Eigh- teenth Century, and the product has since become one of the chief exports from the United States to China. The chief exports from Canton are tea, silk, matting, firecrackers, oils, paper, and preserves. The chief imports are cotton and cotton goods, woolen and metal goods, opium, petroleum, etc. The direct foreign imports and exports of Cantcm in 1900 were nearly .$9,900,000 and over $13,000,000 respectively. The harbor is shallow. Large vessels are obliged to dis- charge their cargoes at Whampoa. over 10 miles from Canton, from which place they are brought to the city by lighters and steam launches. The annual shipping of Canton amounts nearly to 4.000.000 tons, of which nearly three-fourths is in British bottoms. Canton has' steam communica- tion with Hong Kong, ilacao, and Shanghai. Esti- mates of the population vary all the way from 500.000. given in a native official report of 180.5, to 2.500,000, an estimate of the Customs Trade Report. CAN'TON. A city in Fulton County, 111., 28 miles soutliwest of Peoria, on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and the Toledo, Peoria and Western railroads (Jtap: Illinois, B 3). It is the centre of a fertile agricultural district, and has coal-mining interests, extensive agricultural- implement works, and cigar-factories, as well as foundries, tile, brick, and marble works, etc. The city contains a public library, founded in 1893. Settled about 1832, Canton was incorpo- rated first in 1849. Under a charter of 1892, the government is vested in a mayor, elected every two years, and a city council. There are muni- cipal water-works. Population, in 1890, 5004; in 1900, C5G4. CANTON. A town, including several villages, in Norfolk County, Mass., 14 niiles southwest of Boston, on the New York. New Haven and Hart- ford Riiilroad (Map: Massachusetts, E 3). It has a public library of about 11.000 volumes. The manufacttires include iron and brass wares, knit goods, felt goods, sewing-silk, blacking.stove- polish, leather-dressing, sizing compounds, etc. Settled about 1090, Canton was set oil" from Stoughton and incorporated in 1797. The gov- cnnneut is administered by town meetings. Popu- lation, in 1890, 4538; iii 1900, 4584. Consult lluntoon. History of the Town of Canton (Cam- bridge, 1893). CANTON. A city and county-seat of Madison County, Jliss., 21 miles north by east of Jackson, on the Illinois Central Railroad (Map: Missis- sippi, E 5). It is the chief city of the county, and has cotton gins and compresses, cottonseed- oil mills, ice-factory, and manufactures of farm- ing implements, lumlier, lioxes, etc. Population, iu"l890, 2131; in 1900, 3404. CANTON. A town in Lewis County, ilo., 157 miles northwest of Saint Louis, on the Saint Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern Railroad (Map: jMissouri, E 1). Advantageously situated on the Mississippi River, it is an imi)ortant lum- ber-shipping place, and has planing-mills, button- factories, canning-works, and Hour-mills. The town is the seat of Cliristian University (Chris- tian), organized in 1S53. Settled about 1831, Canton was incorporated twenty years later; the charter now governing the town dates from 1873, and provides for a mayor, elected annually, and a board of trustees. The town owns and o])erates its water-works and electric-light plant. Popu- lation, in 1890, 2241; in 1900, 23ti5. CANTON. A village and county-seat of Saint Lawrence County, N. Y., 18 miles southeast of Ogdensbuig, on the Grass River, and on the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad (Map: New York, El). It is the seat of Saint Lawrence University (Universalist) , opened in 1858, and contains notable court-house and opera- house buildings. The village has large saw mills, and is engaged in the building of small boats and launches, skiffs, and sailing yachts. Good water- power is derived from the river. Canton was settled about 1830. and was incorporated in 1886: it was the home of Gov. Silas Wright, who is also buried here. The village owns and oper- ates its water- works. Population, in 1890, 2580; in 1900. 2757. CANTON. A city and county-seat of Stark Coinly. Ohio, GO miles south-southeast of Cleve- land, on the Nimisliillen Creek, and on the Cleve- land, Canton and Southern, the Baltimore and Ohio, and the Pennsylvania railroads (Jlap: Ohio, H 4). It is in a fine wheat-growing district, and coal, limestone, and clay for pottery and brick are found in the vicinity. Its manufactures include watch cases and movements, iron bridges, and roofing, threshers, engines, mill machinery, plows, bookcases, steel, steel cars, cutlery, sad- dlery hardware, stoves, safes, woolens, presses, pottery, tiles, and various kinds of brick; and besides these articles, large anuiunts of grain and coal are exported. Among the more prominent features of the city may be noted the United States Government building, city hall, county court-house, comity workhouse, high school, Ault- man Hospital, Nimisilla Park, and two monu- ments erected to the soldiers of the Spanish- American War. Canton was first settled about 1805, was incorporated as a village in 1822, and was chartered as a city in 1854. It was the home of President McKinley. Under the charter now in operation, the mayor holds office for two ears. and the city council is elected by wards.