Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 04.djvu/349

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CASTELLAMABE. 297 CASTELNAU. trancing view of Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples. Short, interesting excursions are made to .Mount Faito, which commands a view of the oliveilad peninsula of Sorrento, the islands of the Sirens, Capri, and Mount Saint Angelo, the highest point near the bay. which is crowned oy the ruins of the chapel of San !Michele. Cas- tellaniare has a technical school, a theatre, an e.xcellent fortiried harbor, and a large royal ar- senal for the building of warships. The principal imports are grain and iron, the principal exports wine and fruit. The fisheries are important, and there are macaroni, soap, leatlier, and cotton factories. Population (commune), in ISSl, 33,- 000; in 1901, 32,841. Castellamare occupies the site of the ancient Stal>ia>, which was desolated by Sulla during the Social War, and which, with Pompeii, was destroyed in a.d. 7!) by lava from Vesuvius. The elder Pliny perished here while watching the eruption. Here, in IViMI, the French general Macdonald defeated the allied English and .^oapciiitan forces. CASTELLAMARE DEL GOLFO, del gol'ffi. A seaport in Sicily, near tlie mouth of the San Bartolomco River, and on the Gulf of Castel- lamare, io miles west of Palermo (Map: Italy, G !»). It was the port of the ancient Segesta, still carries on considerable commerce in grain, wine, and oil. and has tunny fisheries. Popula- tion, in ISSl (commune)", 15.000; in 1901, l!Mi.-)7. CAS'TELLAN, or CHATELAIN, sha't'-lax' (Fr. cliatelain, OF. castellain, chastelain, from Med. Lat. castellanus, from castelJiim, castle, dim. of castru:ii, camp). In the iliddle Ages, the keeper of a castle or burg. The office and the rank of the castellan varied in different coun- tries. In France and Flanders the title 'castellan' belonged to tiie holders of certain demesnes, and was next in order of rank to that of a bailitf. In the later Middle Ages it applied to a lord having a castle and a fief with feudal jurisdic- tion. In Germany the castellan had the juris- diction of a burgrave (q.v.). In the Kingdom of Poland the castellans were part of the Senate or superior legislative chamber. The castellan of Cracow was considered higher in rank than a palatine. CASTELLANETA, kas-telTi-na'tA. An epis- eopnl city in south Italy. 24 miles northwest of Taranto "(Jlap: Italy, M 7). It has a cathedral and several convents, and is a local market for fruit, olives, wool, and cotton. Population, in 18S1 (conuiiune). 9000; in 1001, 10,190. CASTELLANOS, kas'tu-lyii'nos, JuAN DE. A .Spanish priot and poet, born in Seville about the middle of the Sixteenth Century. His prin- cipal claim to consideration is a poem, Elcf/ias de vnrones illustres de las Indias, which gives a valuable historical account of the adventures of Columbus, Bobadilla, and Aguirre. It was published in 1.589. Afterwards a second part and a third were added (1847-50). CASTELLI, kas-tel'lS, ICNAZ Fbanz (1781- 1802). An Austrian poet. He was bom in Vienna, whence he was banished by Napoleon 1. because of the patriotic military songs composed by him, one of which. Krir(jslird fiir die oxter- rrichinchc Armee, attained a wide popularity. The success achieved with his opera. Die Srliirci- zerfnmiUe, which was set to music by Weigl, obtained for him an appointment as Court poet at the Kiirntnerthor Theater, He was a typical representative of the jovial humor of the Vien- nese, as exemplified in his Uvdichte in niedcr- iixttrnirhinchcr Miiiidurt (1828). He wrote more than 200 plays. |)rincipally translations and adap- tations from the French. His collection of more than 12,00u plays, many portraits of celebrities, and a file of the play bills of the Viennese theatres from lliOO to 18(i2, is now in the Imperial Library in Vienna. His last publication was his Memoircti viciiicti l.cbciis (4 vols., 1861-02). CASTELLO, kas-tello, Giovanxi Battista (c.1500-70). An Italian painter and architect. He was surnamed II Bergamasco by Philip II., who, in 1567, called him to Spain to aid in the restoration of the Alcftzar in JIadrid and the building of the Eseurial, the fine stairway of honor in which was designed by him. CASTELLO, Valerio (1025-59). An Italian painter, born in Genoa. He was the son of Bernardo Castilli, or Castello (1557-1629), an excellent historical and portrait painter. Young Castello studied under Fiasella, and afterwards in Milan and Palma, He is noted for his battle pictures. Among these are two different treat- ments of the "Rape of the Sabines." One is in the Palazzo Brignole, Genoa, and the other in Florence. There are some frescoes by him in the Church of Saint ilartha, Genoa. CASTELLO BRANCO, bran'kd (anc. Ca.stra- leucus) . The capital of a district and an episco- pal see in the Province of Beira. Portugal, 44 miles northeast of Abrantes (Map: Portugal, B 3). It is built on a hill crowned bj' a castle, is surrounded by walls, and has a cathedral and college. It has manufactures of cloth, and marble is quarried. Population, in 1899, 7.500. CASTELL6n de la plana, ka'sta-lyOn' da la pla'na (Sp., Castle of the Plain). A town of Spain, capital of the province of the same name, situated in a fertile plain, about i]^ miles from the Mediterranean, and 40 miles north- northeast of Valencia (ilap: Spain, E 3). A magnificent aqueduct supplies the means of irri- gation, Castellon de la Plana is, for the most part, regularly and well built, and has a pre- tentious town hall and an octagonal bell-tower, 260 feet high. The Church of La Sangre contains fine examples of the works of Francisco Ribalta, the celebrated Spanish painter, who was a native of Castellon de la Plana. The town has manu- factures of linen, woolen, sail-cloth, paper, earthenware, and firearms, also brandy distil- leries, and considerable trade. Population, in 1900, 29,966. Castellon de la Plana, in earlier times, occupied an elevation a short distance to the north of the present site, where ruins are still extant, but in 1233 was moved to the plain by .Jaime 1. In 1837 the Carlists, commanded by Don Carlos in person, made an unsuccessful attack on Ihc town. CASTELNAU, ka'stel-n6', Francis, Count de (1812-80). A French traveler and naturalist. He traveled through North America (1837-41); was chief of a French Goveriuncnt scientific ex- pedition to South America (1843-47), and after- wards held several consulships. He published r,.TjH'dilinii danx lex parties centrales de VAmi- ri'jiie du f!ud (1850-01). CASTELNAU, Michael de, Sieur de la .Mau- vissi.">rc (1.520-921. A French soldier and diplo- mat. He was thoroughly educated, traveled