Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 09.djvu/663

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HABT'S-TONGUE FERN. 605 HARTZENBUSCH. HART'S-TONGXJE FERN. A name applied to ferns of tlie genus Seolopendriuni, or Pliyllitis, as it is sometimes designated. They are l.irge ferns with oblong, strap-shaped leaves or fronds. f<coloi)Cii<lrii(iH vtilyarc is eonimon in Europe and Asia, but, so far as is known, is rare in . ierica. It oeenrs in damp ravines or under limestone cliflfs in a few loealities in New York, Tennessee, and Canada. The fronds are 10 to 15 inches high and 1 to 2 inches broad, with heart-shaped bases, and entire or undulate margins. The fruit-dots are linear and occur by twos almost at right angles to the midrib, one occurring on the up])er side of a veinlet and its mate on the lower side of the next veinlet; thus they appear to be ar- ranged in pairs. HART'STTFF, George Lucas (1830-74). An .merican soldier, born at Tyre, N. Y. He gradu- ated at West Point in 18.52, and served on the frontier and in Florida, where, during a fight with the Seminole Indians, he received a wound which eventually caused his death. In IMarch, 18(11, he was appointed assistant adjutant-gen- eral with the brevet rank of captain, and was assigned to duty under Rosecrans in West Vir- ginia. Later he was severely wounded at An- tietam, and immediately after the battle was made brevet colonel for gallant and meritorious services. On March 1.3. 1RG5, he was given the brevet rank of major-general in the Regular Army, and from April 3d to May of the same year was in command of City Point and Petersburg. He was mustered out of the volunteer service on August 24, 186.5, and resigned from the Regular .Army on June 29, 1871, because of disability residting from wounds received in battle. HARTT, Charles Frederick (1840-78). .An American geologist, horn at Fredericton. N. B. He studied under Agassiz for a number of years, and then accompanied him as geologist on an expedition to Brazil in 1865. After his return he was appointed professor of geology and physical geography jlt Cornell LTinyersity, but interrupted his university duties to make three more expe- ditions to Brazil, where he finally settled in 1875 to enter upon his great work as chief of the geo- logical commission appouited to make a survey of the entire empire. Scarcelv more than two years Inter, however, he contracted a fever and died. His principal publication is The (leolofiy and Physical Ceopraphy of Bra::il (1870). Consult Hay, "The Seientific Work of Prof. Charles Fred- erick Hartt," in the Proceedinfifi and Transactions of the Royal l^ociely of Canada, series 2, vol. v. (Ottawa, '1800). HARTWICH, hiirfvlK, Emil Hermann (1801-70) . A Oerman engineer, bom at Bensdorf, near Brandenliurg. He was inspector of water- works in Stcinau and commissioner of buildings at Danzig, where he undertook the completion of the moles in the Baltic near Neufahrwasser. He built the bridge over the Rhine at Coblenz, and introduced many English methods in Gorman railroads, especially a central switch apparatus. .Among his writings are: Ericeiterunyshantcn dcr rhcinischcn Eisenhahn (1864-67): Denkschrift, Uclreffend die Ilerstelhinff einer Eisenhahn irelche Berlin durchschneidet (1872); Aphoris- tiselie Bemerknnncn iihcr das Eiscnbahntvesen (2d ed. 1874) ; and many contributions to the Zeitschrift fiir Bauwes'^i, HARTWIG, hart'viK, or HARTWICK, .lou.N C'mu.sTorHEK (1714-!)U). . (;crnKin-.mer- iean Lutheran clergyman, lie was liurn in Sa.xe- Uotha, and is said to have studied at llie Univer- sity of Halle, in 1745, after having been ordained in the tiernian Lutheran Chureli in London, he came to .mcrica to take charge of several churches in .Albany and Dutchess Counties. N. Y. Two years later he assisted at the organization of the First Lutheran Synod in Philadelphia. Besides his work in New York, his clerical labors extended also to Pennsylvania, Maryland. Virginia, and New England. In 1761 he "obtained tlie title to 21,500 acres of land in Otsego County, N. Y., which he had bought from the Indians. This was emplo-ed, in accordance with his directions, to establish a theological and classical seminary. Tills institution, known as the Hartwick Semi- nary, was opened at Hartwick, N. Y., in 1815. HARTWIG, Otto Peter Ko.nrad (1830—). A (lernian liistorian, born at Wichmannshausen. He studied theology and linguistics at Marburg, Halle, and Gottingen, and in 1867 became a mem- ber of the staff of the Marburg University library, from which he went to the LTniversity of Halle as librarian-in-chief, a post he resigned in 1808. In 1884 he founded, with Scbulz. the Ccntralhlatt fur Hibliotheksicesen. Among Hartwig's works are: Ncnricas de Langenstcin (1857); Alls Sicilieri (1867-69) ; Sicilianische Miirchen, with the notes of Pauli. and a biographical sketch of him ( 1870) ; Die Uehersetzungslitteratur Unteritaliens in der normannisch-staufischcn Epoche (1886); Sulla data deyli sponsaU di Arripo YI. con la Costanza, etc., with Amari (1878) ; Qiiellen und Forscluin- <icn. CIO' dlteslrn Geschichte der Stadt Fhirrm (1875-80); and Festschrift zvni oOO juhrigen Oebiirtstage (Jutenhergs (1900). HARTZENBUSCH, hiirts'cn-bush, Juan EuoENlo (1806-80). . S]iani^h dramatist of the Romantic movement, born at Aladrid, of a Ger- man father and a Spanish mother. He first studied theology, and tlien took to painting, but was forced by his father's illness to follow for some years his profession, that of a cabinet-maker, Ivaining himself meanwhile for the work of a pla,^^vright by preparing versions of domestic and foreign dramas. His success was assured from Uie time of the first performance of the Amantes dr Teriiel. his best-known production, and one of the most important plays of the Romantic period of Spanish literature in the nineteenth century. Highly sentimental, it brings once more upon the boards a story of sad loves which had al- ready been treated by Artieda. Tirso de Molina, and Jlontalvan. Later dramas of Hartzenliuscb, most of them of an historical nature, are: Dona Mencia; Alfonso el casta (1841): La jura en Santa Gadea (1845). dealing with the history of the Cid: La madre de Prlayo (1846) ; La ley dr raza, relating to the history of the Visigothic Empire; Vida par honra (1858). a statement of the tragic love of the Conde de Villamcdiana : El niul apostol y el bucn ladr6n (1860). a play with some of the characteristics of the Anto sacra- mental; his comedies of a Moretinian type are: T^n si y un no ; La visionaria : Juan de las Viiias .• La redoma encantada : Los polrns de la madre Celestina : Las Batuecas. Hartz<Mibuseli also pub- lislied Ensayos pocticos it nrticiilos en prosa. etc. (1843), and Puentos y fnhulas (1861). He was a lyric jjoct of but modest pretensions. As editor