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KOGEL. 576 KOHLEE. for a number of years, he was appointed preaelicr at llie Cathedral of Berlin in 1S03, and the fol- lowing year was made eounsclor of the Con- sistory of Brandenburg and counselor to the Jlinister for Public Worship. In 1880 he ad- vanced to the rank of Royal Chaplain-in-chief, and in 1884 he became a 'member of the State Council; hut between 1891 and 1894 ill health compelled him to rclinciuish all his posts. By ilint of his great inllucncc with (lie JCmperor Wil- liam, he delcated Kalk's Church policy, and thus gave the spiritual development of Prussia a con- servative direction. He also became known as one of the most eloquent preachers of Germany. His works include: Der crste Brief Petri In Predigten ausgelegt (."id ed. 1800) : Die HeVtq- prcisiiiigen der Bergpredigt (2dod. 1869) ; Kirc'h- liche (IcdenkhUttcr aiis der Kriegszcit (1871); Das ^'aterullser in Predigten ausgelegt (3d ed. 1889) ; Der Brief Piiiili an die kiimer in Pre- digten ausgelegt (2d ed. 188.S); Vatcrliindiselic ttnd kirchliche Ocdenktagejleden und Anspruelien (2d ed. 1892) ; Die tier Eiangelien in Predigten und Homilien ausgelegt (1889). In 1880 Kiigel was made coeditor of the poetical year-book .Ye»e Christolerpe ( Bremen ) . KOGIA, ko'jr-a (Neo-Lat). The name often used as an English denomination of the genus including as its typical species the 'pygmy' siierm- whale of the South Pacific. KOH-I-NUR, kO'e niTor', or KOH-I-NOOR (Pers., Mountain of Light). One uf the largest known diamonds, now among the British crown jewels. It is said to have been found in the Gol- conda mines, and originally weighed about 900 carats. It was long the property of the Indian rulers, and came into the jiosscssion of the Eng- lish in 1840, through the conquest of the Punjab. Its weight was reduced by jioor cutting to 279 carats, then to 180. 106, "and in 1852 to 102% carats. Its value is estimated at about $600,000. A model of the Koh-i-nur is exhibited in the Tower of London. .See plate of Diamonds. KOHL, kol, .Toii.XN Georg (1808-78). A distinguished German writer on travels and historian, born in Bremen. He studied law in Gottingen, Heidelberg, and IMunich, for si.v years was tutor in a family in Courland, and, having traveled in Russia, made his home in Dresden in 1838. The favorable reception accorded to the accounts of his travels in Russia induced him to visit nearly every country of Euioik', and to publish a series of interesting descriptions of those parts, during which period he also wrote: Der Verlehr und die Ansiedelungen d^r Menschen in Hirer Ahhiingiqkeit von der Gestaltnng der Erdoherfliiehe (1841): Der Rliein (18.51); Skizxen aus Xatur und Volkerlehen (1851) : Die Donau (18.54). He next spent four years (1S54- S8) in Xorth America traveling and making geographical and iiistorical researches, which re- sulted in the pul)lication of: I'eisen in Canada, yew York und Peniisi/lvanien (1856) ; Beisen im ordwe.iten der Yereinigten Staaten (1857) ; Kitsehi-Gnmi oder ErzUhhnig rom Oberen f^ee (1859); Gesehichte der Eiitdeekung Ameri- J:ns (1861) : Gestchiehtc des Golfstroms und seiner Erforsehung (1808) : Hist org of the Diseoi:erg of the East Coast of yorlh Amerien. partirularh/ the Coast of Maine (1869) : and other works. On bis return to Europe he settled in Bremen, where he was appointed city librarian in 1803. The more important of his other numerous works are: yorda-estdsutsche Hkizzen (1864; 2d ed. 1873); Die 'olker Europas (2ded. 1872) ; Die geographi- sche Lage der Uauiitstudte Europas (1874) ; Ge- sehichte der Entdeckungsrcisen und Hchiffahrten zur Mnriellansstrasse (1877); and Die natiir- liehi.i I.iKkmitiel des Yiilkereerkehrs (1878). KOHLER, kr/ler, .Joseph (1849—). A Ger- m:in jurist, author, and poet, born at Ofi'en- liurg, Baden. He studied at the universities <if Ereiburg and Heidelberg; was judge at -Mannheim ; and became professor at WUrz- burg in 1878, and in Berlin in 1888. On civil law in Germany, he wrote: Beitriige zur germanischen Privutrechtsgeschiehte (1883- 88); Forsehungvn aus deni Paientrecht (1888); Dus Autorrecht (1880); Aus dem Patent- und Industriereeht (1889-92); Das litterarisehe und artislische Kunsticerk und sein Antorschutz (1892); Der Prozess als liechtsverhaltnis (1888); and others. Among his numerous contributions to the history of compara- tive jurisprudence may be mentioned: Mo- derne Peehtsfragen bei islamitischen Juristen (1885): Das ehinesisehe Htrafreeht (1886); Kechlsrergleichende Htudien iiher islamitisehes Peeht, das Reeht der Berbern, das ehinesisehe lieeht und das Reeht auf Ceylon (1889) ; Altind- isehes Protessrechf (1S91). The philosophical aspect of law he treated in: Nhnkespeare vor dem Forum der Jurisprudenz (1883) ; Das Reeht als Kulturerseheinung (1885); and Das Wesen der Strafe (1888) ; and he also made excursions into the realm of art-history with the essays : Aus dem Lande der Kunst (1882): Aesthetische Strei- fereien (1889) ; and Zur I'harakteristik Richard ^Vagners (1893). His poetic;il efi'orts comprise: Lt/risehe Gedichte iind Balladen (1892); Feuer- nigthus oder Apotheose des Menschengeistes. Naeh Motiicn der polgnesischen Sage (1893); Der Liebestod. Xach Mofiven der mexikanischen Veberlieferung (1893) ; Xeue DiehtungenlB94) ; Mclusine (1890), a dramatic poem. Further publications include: Zur Urgesehichte der Ehe (1897): Danles heiiige Reise (1900-02); and Tom Le})cnspfad, essays (1902). KOHLER, ke'ler, Reinhoi.d (1830-92). A (Icrraan literary critic and folklorist, born at Weimar. He became librarian of his native city in 1857, after studying at .Jena, Leipzig, and Bonn. Among his works are the following: Yier Dialoge von Hans Sachs (1858): an adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew, under the title Kunst iiber allc Kiinste, ein biis ^yeih gut zu machen (1804); Dantes Goltliclie Komodie und ihre dcutschen Vebersetzungen (1865): Herders Cid und seine franzosische Quelle (1867) ; Wiclands Oheron (1868): Schillers iisthetische Sehriften (1871). KOHLER, k(Vler. Ulricii (18.38—). A Ger- man archfEologist, appointed professor of Greek history at the University of Berlin in 1886. He was born at Klcin-Neuhausen in the Grand Duchy of Weimar, and after studying at Jena and Gottingen was secretary of the German Arch;rological Institute at Athens (1875-80). His publications, which are regarded as standard works on Attic inscriptions, include: JJrkunden und Untersuchungen zur Gesehichte des delisch- attisclien Bundes (1870) : and the second volume of the Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum (1877-