Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 12.djvu/12

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A PARTIAL LIST OF THE LEADING ARTICLES IN VOLUME XII. LAUD, WILLIAM. LIQUEFACTION OF GASES. Professor S. M. Jackson. Professor Jose])h Sweetman Ames. j^^Y LISSAJOUS FIGURES. Prof(-ss<,r Evan.lor Bradlcv McGilvary, Professor William Hallock. Professor Munroe Smith, and Dr. LITERARY PROPKR'IV. Frank Hugh Foster. Mr. George Haven Putnam. LEAD. litho(;raphv. Dr. Marcus Benjamin, Mr, Charles Shat- Mr. Charles Wilhelms. tuck Hill, .Mr. David Hale Newland, LITURGY. and Mr. Martin A. Rosanofl'. Professor L. ^M. Robinson. LEAF. LIVER. Professor John Merle Coulter. Dr. Albert Warren Ferris and Dr. Fred- LEE, ROBERT E. "' ^- ^"J- Professor William Peterfield Trent. LIVY. X.-I/-..T T^T-,T-r^ irpTz-vxT Profussor GeorgB N. Olcott. LEGAL EDL CATION. t nnriMoxTvir Professor Eugene Wambaugh. 1^U(..UMUI IV h " ^ Mr. Charles Shattuek Hill. LEGISL.VTIOxN'. . ^.p Professor George y. Kirehwey and ^ • Lje„tenant-Co„nnand..r Lewis Sayre Dr. James Wilford Garner. ,. Du/.er LEGISLATURE. LOGIC Dr. James Wilford Garner. ' professor Evander Bradley McGilvary. LEIBNITZ. LONDON. Professor Evander Bradlcv McGilvary j^j. pyj-us C dams and Professor David Eugene Smith. LONGFELLOW. ' " LEITMOTIV. Professor William Peterfield Trent. Professor Alfred Remy. t/^^^i LOOM. LEOPARDI. , „ ,, ^ J Mr. Louis Wells Clarke. r^oo^.v °' LORD'S SUPPER. LEPRO& . . Dr. Reginald H. Starr. Dr. Albert Warren Ferris. LESSING. Professor Arthur L. Frothingham. , ^,„^,i?:"„ ^^^"J""" ^^ '"'* " «"«■ LOWELL. JAMES RUSSELL. LEVITICUS. . , , Professor William Peterfield Trent. T IBR VrS "■ LUCRETIUS. LlBRAKiJiS „ . „ . ,, Professor George N. Olcott. Professor James Morton Paton. Mr. .,,.„ ,-,^ot>t^t ri^ Charles Alexander Nelson. Dr. Melvil LI Wh, (,OSFEL 01-. „, t . Dewcv, and Dr. James Hulme Can- Professor Melanchthon W. Jacobus, field." LUTHER, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. >^>- J'""» ^Luirice Whiton. Mr. Herbert Putnam. LUTHKrvANlS-M. LIFEBOAT Professor Edmund .Tacob Wolf. Captain Worth (Iwynn Ross. LYRIC POETRY. LIFE INSUR.XNCK '^'- Ri'hard T. Holhrook. Dr. Allan Herbert Willett. MACHIAVELLI. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. Professor Edwin A. Start. Captain Worth Gwynn Ross. MACHINE GUN. LIGHT. Lieutenant-Commander Lewis Sayre Professor Joseph Sweetman Ames. Y'un Duzer and others. LIGHTHOUSE. MAGIC. Mr. Charles Shattuek Hill and Mr. Dr. H. B. Alexander. Moses Nelson Baker. MAGNETISM. LIGHTNING. Professor Joseph Sweetman Ames and " p'rofessor Cleveland Abbe. Mr. J. B. Whitehead. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. MAGNETISM, TERRESTRIAL. Professor William Peterfield Trent. Professor Joseph Sweetman Ames. lint: engr.-vving. mahabharata. Mr. Russell Sturgis. Professor Edward W. Hopkins. LINN.EU8. " MAIMONIDES. Professor Francis E. Lloyd. Mr. Charles C. Sherman. LION. MALFORMATION. Mr. Ernest Ingersoll. Professor John Merle Coulter.