Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 12.djvu/678

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HACCABEES. 598 McCLELLAN. lin, 1900) ; Freudcntbal, Die Flavins Joscphus bcigclcgtc Schrifl iiber die Hcrrsehaft der Ver- nunft (Breslau, 18G9). Consult, also, the Hebrew histories of Wellhausen, Gutlie, and Stade, and Schiirer, History of the Jeuish People in the Time of Christ, vol. i. (Edinburgh, 189G). MACCABEES, Kxigiits of the. A benefici- ary society founded September 1, 1883, and em- bracing in its features life, accident, sick, and disability benefits. The Supreme Tent, or chief olfice of the Order, is located at Port Huron. Mich. There are (1 (Jrand Tents and 4.300 S>ihordinate Tents :in(l Hives, rcpresentinfi a total nieiiibership of 310,000 in the Order. The death and dis- ability benefits paid from the date of organiza- tion to January 1, 1903, amounted to .$14,823,- 448: these for the fiscal year ending December 1, 1902. being .$2,178,124. the surplus on that date was nearly $2,000,000. The Order is incorpo- rated under the laws of the State of Michigan. MACCABEES, Ladies of the. A fraternal society fouiulcd as a social organization in March, 188C, and made a beneficiary society in ilay, 1890. The central or governing body is known as the Great Hive, and there are 8.53 subordinate bodies. The total disbursements on account of benefits from 1890 to 1902 were $1,532,709, and during the last fi.seal year $256,72.5 was ^paid to the beneficiaries of deceased members. McCALL', George Archiiiald (1802-68). An American soldier, born in Philadelphia. Pa. He graduated at West Point in 1822, entered the army, and was commissioned a captain in 1836, major in 1847. and colonel in 1850.. He served with distinction in the Florida and Mexican wars, was made inspector-general in 1S50, and resigned from the army in 1853. In ISOl he took command of the Penn.sylvania Reserves, with rank of briga- dier-general "of volunteers. This force he led through part of the Peninsular campaign of 1862. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Frazier's Farm, June 30, 1862. After several weeks in Libby Prison, he «as exchanged, but ill health prevented his return to the army, from which he resigned in March. 18(53. He wrote Let- ters f mm the Frontier (1868). MacCAR'THY, Denis Florence (1817-82). An Irish poet, born in Dublin. He studied for the C'luirrh and afterwards for the bar. but finally gave Iiimself to literary work, and lived principally in London and Dublin. His liking for the Spanish poet Calderon led him to make some most faithful and successful translations of his plays. His original works include: Ballad's, Poems, and Lyries (1850); The Bell-Founder (1857): Vnder-Glimpscs (18.57): The Centenari/ of Moore (1880); and Shelley's Early Life (1872). He was awarded a medal by the Royal Academy of Spain for his skill in Spanish trans- lation. McCarthy, .Justin (18.30—). An English journalist, jiolitician, and author. He was born at Cork. Ireland, on November 22. 1830. He en- tered upon the career of journalist at the age of sixteen years by joining the staflf of the Cork Examiner. This paper he left in 1853 to con- nect himself with the Liverpool yorthrm Times. Entering the reporters' gallery of the House of Commons in 1800 as a reporter for the ^forninq fitar, he became foreign editor of that paper the following year, and editor-in-chief in 1864. re- maining in the latter position four years. In 1868 he made a tour of the United States, where he remained three years, a valued contributor to many of the American magazines and for a time editorially connected with the New York Inde- pendent. On his return he entered into editorial relations with the Daily Xciis, at the same time writing regularly for many of the leading English magazines. Entering the House of Commons in 1879. he attained at once a prominent place in the Irish Home-Rule Party, becoming in 1886 vice-president of the Irish National League. In the same year a second but briefer visit was made to America. After the deposition of Parnell from the leadership of the Home-Rule Party in 1890, McCarthy was selected as its Parliamentary chief, retaining the post until 1896. He wrote: Modern Leaders ( 1872) ; A History of Our Oun Times to ISSO (1879-80); Epoch of Reform (1882); His- tory of the Four deoryes (1884); The French liciolulion ( 1890) ; A History of Our Gun Times from IfiSO to 1S06 (1897); Modern England (1898-99): and The Htory of Gladstone's Life ( 1898) . The chief source of information concern- ing McCarthy is his autobiography, publislied under the title of Jieminisceiices (London and New York, 1899). McCarthy, .Justin HuNTLT (1800-). An English dramatist, novelist, and historian, son of the preceding. He was a member of Parlia- ment in 1884-92. and traveled in Europe, EgA'pt, the Holy Land, and the United States, His nu- merous publications include: A History of Eng- land I'ndcr Gladstone (1887); a translation of the Rubuiyiit of Omar Khayyam : and The French Revolution ; together with the plays: The White Carnation; The Highwayman ; The ^yife of flocrates; and // / Wei-e King, with Franrois Villon as hero, presented in the United States by E. H. Snthern. McCHESTSlEY, Clara (1861 — ). An Ameri- can genre painter. She was born in Brownsville, CaL, studied art in her native city, and later in the Colarossi School. Paris, under Virgil Wil- liams, under Mowbray and Beckwith in New Y'ork, and was also under Courtois and Giradot. She was awarded two medals at the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893. and received the Dodge prize. New Y'ork. in 1894. At the Paris Exposition of 1900 she was represented by "The Obi Blinil Fiddler." and "Pomegranates." At the exhibition of the National Academy of Design. New Y'ork, in 1901. she was awarded the second Hallgarten prize for her picture "A Good Story." MACCHTAVELLI, ma'kya-vel'lA, NiccoLO. A Florentine writer on political theory. See Maciiiavelli. McCLEL^LAN, George Brinton (1826-85). A distinguished soldier in the American Civil War. He was born in Philadelphia, December 3, 1820. He attended the University of Pennsyl- vania for two years ; and graduated at West Point in 1846. He distinguished himself in the Jlexican War, and for gallant and meritor- ious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Chunibusco he was brevetted first lieutenant, and for similar conduct at Cliapultepcc he was brevetted captain. On his return he was ap- pointed to an instructorship at West Point, and while there prepared a .Manual of Bayonet Exer- cises, adapted from the French, which became a part of the system of instruction. He was assistant engineer in the construction of Fort '