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LEBERT. 61 LEBRtTN. In 1873 he received the h<iiioiary degree of doctor of pliilosophy from the University of Tiibingen. He published, with Stark, (Ironse Klaiierschule, which was translated into Italian, English, French, and Russian; an edition of dementi's (Iniihis ad Partwssum; and an instructive edition of pianoforte classics. He died at Stuttgart. LEBID IBN" RABIA. See Labid ibn Rabia. LE BLANT, ]r bUiN, Edmond Frederic (1818-97). A French archaeologist, born in Paris. He became interested in arelueology during a visit to Rome in 1847,, and afterwards made a special study of Christian epigraphy and early Christian institutions in France. He became a member of the Institute in 1867, and from 188.3 to 1889 was director of the French School at Rome. His works include: Inscriptions chrf- ticnnes de la Gaule antirieures au Tlllhne siecle (18,50-65); Xouveau recueil des inscriptions chrctiennes de la Gaule (1862); Manuel d'epi- gi-djjhie chfcticnne (1869); Etude sur les sar- ctjphaijes Chretiens antiques de la ville d'Arles (1878) ; Les sarcopha(ies chrrticns de la Gaule (1886) ; Les actes des martyrs, a supplement to the Acta Sincera of Dom Ruinart (1882) : L'&pi- gruphie chrrtienne en Gaule el dans I'Afriaue romaine (1888) ; Les pcrsccvteurs et les martyrs au-x premiers siecles de notre ere (189,3) ; and, with Jacquemart, Histoire artistique de la por- celainr (1861-62). LE BLANT, .Jlliex (1851 — ). A French historical painter, son of the preceding, born in Paris. He was a pupil of Girard, and gave spe- cial attention to the history of the Chouans. Many of his well-composed, dignified pictures celebrate their exploits. His works include: "L'assassinat de Lepelletier de Saint-Fargeau" (1874) ; "La mort du general d'Elbee" (1878) ; '"Henri de la Rochejacquelin" (1879) ; "Diner de I'fquipage" (1884); and "Retour de regiment" (1892). He received a second-class medal in 1880, the Legion of Honor in 1885, and a gold medal at the I'niversal Exposition of 1889. He also made notable illustrations for the works of De Vigny, Dumas p6re, and Balzac. LEBCEUF, le-bef, Et)MONl) (1809-88). A marshal of France, born in Paris. He was edu- cated at the Ecole Polyteclinique and the school of artillery at Metz. He entered 1he army in 18.32, and his services in Algeria (1837-41) made him colonel ( 1854) . In that year he directed the PVench siege operations around Sebastopol, and was made brigadier-general. He was attache of the Russian emijassy in 1850: became general of division in 1857 and commander-in-chief of the artillery a year later, and did effective work with tins arm at the battle of Solferino. In .ugust. 1860, he became Minister of War. and in the spring of 1870 was made marshal. Before the outbreak of the Franco-German War. Leboeuf expressed his contidence in the preparedness of the French forces; summoned in April, 1870, be- fore a committee of the French Legislative As- sembly to report on the ('ondition of the French .riny. he said: "We are ready; so ready that the war may last two years without our having need to buy so much as a gaiter-button." Consequent- ly, when the first disasters of the war revealed the true condition of afTnirs, the country was ex- •isperated against him. He resigned from the Ministry in August, and assumed command of the Third Army Corps. He fought bravely at Vionville and Gravelotlc, ;uid with the fall of iletz became a prisoner of the Germans. After the peace be lived in complete obscurity. He died June 7, 1888. LE BON, le bo.v, Gustave (1841 — ). A French pliysieian, arclia;ologist, and ethnologist, born at Nogent le Kotrou. He was educated as a physician, but practiced little. In 1884 he had charge of a Government expedition to study the architecture of the Buddhist monuments in India. He wrote: L'homme et les societcs (1877) ; Les premieres civilisations (1889); Les monuments de I'lnde (1894) ; Lois psycholoijiques de I'ivolu- tion des peuples (1895) ; La foule, translated as The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (2d ed. 1897). LE BOULENGE, le IxKi'la.N'zha', Paul Emile (1832—). A Belgian artillery officer, bom at Mesnil-Eglise. He made many valuable discov- eries in ballistics, especially the Le Boulenge chronograph, w'hich he described in 1809, and wrote: Elude de balistique experimcntale (1868) and Description, nurniement et usage des tel6- metres de Le Boulenge (1877). See Ballistics. LEBRET, le-bra', Georges (1853—). A Frencli statesman. He was born at Etampes, studied law at Paris, and received the degree of doctor of laws. In 1879 he was appointed by tl:e Minister of Public Instruction on a mission to England and Scotland to report on leases, and agricultural legislation and usages. Afterwards he was made professor of law at the University of Caen, and attained a full professorship in 1885. He held the offices of municipal counselor and of mayor in the town of Caen, and in 1893 was elected Deputy (Republican) for that mu- nicipality. In 1898 he accepted the portfolio of Jlinister of .Justice in Dupuy's Cabinet. Lebret became recognized as an authority on technical jurisprudence. His publications include Etude siir la propriete fonciere en Anglctcrre (1882). LEBRIJA, te-brfna (Lat. "Xehrissa-Vene- »■/(/). A tnwn of Spain, in the Province of Se- ville, 34 miles south of Seville, and on the rail- way between Seville and Cadiz ( Ma]i : Spain. B 4). It is pleasantly situated on the fertile slopes of the Sierra de Gibaldin and on the border of the extensive marshes around the mouth of the Guadalquivir, known as Las Marismas. It has a ruined castle, believed to date from the time of the caliphate, and a large church, originally a mosqtie, exhibiting a strange combination of the Arabic, Roman, and Gothic styles. It carries on a considerable trade in grain, wine, oil, and cattle. Population, in 1S87. 11.9.33: in 1900, 11,127. Lebrija is believed to have been founded by the Greeks in ante-Roman times, and was a large and flourishing city during the time of the Moorish Empire. LEBRUN, Ic-brex', (1019-90). A Frencli historical and portrait painter, architect, and decorator. He was born in Paris. February 24, 1619. His predisposition toward art. which developed early, was discovered bj' the Cliancel- lor SC'guier. wdio placed him in the atelier of the painter Vouet, and in 1642 sent him to Rome, in Rome he came under the inlhienee of Nicolas Poussin. In 1642 he was again in Paris, and was called upon to decorate the Hotel Lambert, and to repair the Petite Galerie du Louvre, which had been injured by fire. The restoration of the