Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 12.djvu/866

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MAN. 772 MAN. by planting quartz pebbles with the grains and Among the most primitive water vehicles are sweetened by sprinkling honey over the sprouts the balsa and coracle, the former made of reeds when thej' lirsl peep through the soil. The liuiidlcil in tlic form of cilliir a lish or a swim- aboriginal Americans wore on the verge of found- niing fowl and usually bearing i)iseine or avian ing, with its accoiiipaninients of smelting and symbols, the latter preferably made from the skin alfoying, at the time of the Conquest; and the of a swimming animal; tlicse grade into canoes Slaves of their progress undoubtedly correspond of various types, some modeled after water crea- fairlv with the prehistoric developiuent of Old tures, and these into specialized craft long bear- Worid mctallurgv up to the dawn of the Bronze ing emblems of dolphins or nereids or other Age in Kurasia and the Iron Age in Africa. The actual or mythic tutelaries. The balsa may be successive steps in each region and the influences i)ropellcd by the hands or hamls and feet of a of cultural interchange were many; but in brief, i)rone occupant used as in swimming; among the the i)rimal efforts were zoijmimicl or mimetic of Seri the jjropulsion is made more etl'ective by zoic tutelaries) and the products without pre- holding a sea-shell, or a sliort wooden paddle as conceived design, while later the clTort§ were in- a .symbol of the shell, in either hand; and these lluenced by svmliolic ty])es and devotional ideas grade into the paddle and oar, in some cases as well as' design, and the motives became partly professedly fashioned and wielded as symbolic practical; still later the efforts gradually passed tins. Still later sails are used, and various ves- under the control of previsional designs and the tiges in lore and emblems and terminology con- motives became economic. Classified by typical nect the early use of the devices with avian materials, ])roducts. and motives, the chief steps tutelaries. In early navigation, swinutiing ad- are shown in the accompanying table: juncts are employed, the most widespread among TYPES Typical materials Typical products Typical ideas 1. 2o<'iniiiiilc Bestial orKaus Awis, spears Zoi'itheistic faith la) Transitional Symbolized orffaus Harpoons, arrows Faitli -f craft 2. Protollthli' Natural stones Hammers, mullers ('lmni-e + (aitli + craft (b) Transitional Cleft stones Mullers. cutters (•lianee+ iTaft 3. Teolinolithir Artiflclalized stones Arrows, spears, knives Design -t- molar action (c) Transitional Native metals Spears, celts, gorgets Design + molar action + rlianee heatiUK t. Metallurgle Smelted ores Cutlery and tools Invention-)- molecular action Transportatiok. Early transportation is lim- lower peoples being air-bladders of aquatic crea- ited to packing or carrying: and since in ])rimal tures. thought the female is not merely the blood-car- The educative activities of primitive men are ricr, but the custodian of the children and ])rop- few. but intense. Especially among wandering erty of the clan, she becomes the chief burden- tribes, movements are led and the pace is set bearer. In the ante-cradle stage the child usually by the strongest, and the others follow in order clings astride the mother's left hip or perhaps and are expected to keep their places under to her back, leaving her right arm free; the penalty of contempt or abandonment: in this water-vessel is commonly balanced on the head, strenuous school youths and children are ex- while bedding and food are borne on the back or horted to rely on tutelaries for strength and in the hands. The burdens of the male are com- endurance, and actually develop vigor and forti- monly limited to weapons and jiroducts of the tude; while weaklings and the aged are sup- chase or field. As the toleration of animals ma- posed to be deserted by the deities, and in some tures they are impressed, at first under the no- tribes are left to their fate as a pious duty. tion that their mysterious powers lighten their Among more sedentary tril)es racing, daucin;;, loads — a notion akin to that under which primi- and other ceremonies afford competitive tests five packers approaching a pass carry a stone of physical and devotional strength; the Huichol as a symbol of burdensomeness to be cast away Indians take long journeys, fasting, in search of at the summit in token of relief, a custom so a stimulating plant, and in the Papago tribe the common that hundreds of passes in Western boys are expected to join in a fasting pil- .merica are marked by stone-heaps. The primal grimage of some hundreds of miles across deserts land vehicle is the travois, originally poles for to the sea and back before they can hope to at- tent or fuel dragged by woman or dog (m which tain the privileges of manhood ; among Aus- impedimenta may be thrown, and later consist- tralian and African trilies equally strenuous ing of two elastic saplings harnessed on either tests are prescribed; and among the IMandan side of the draught-animal and connected behind the probationary ceremonies attending admission by a platform or net f(n- carrying the load; in into the warrior class involved actual torture. northern regions this grades into the sleigh or In addition to the customs affecting the yoitli toboggan, which jiertains to lumters as well as in general, most primitive peoples observe s])ecial matrons and is drawn by men, women, or do^s. usages connected with the maintenance of pro- America produced the germ of the wheel in the fessional or priestly classes. Commonly the can- racing football and especially in discoid and an- didate solicits preliminary instruction from an nular gaming stimes. to which self-motility and aged shaman, and pursuant thereto withdraws power of pulling their throwers forward were into the forest or mountains or desert for fasting imputed; according'to Gushing these were used and invocation, which are continued to the jHiint ceremonially in transporting heavy roof-beams of hallucination, when he is supposed to receive for pueblos from distant mountains, and in Mex- a new character and perhaps a new totem or ico and Peru short cylinders were used as rollers name from the 'vision.' and returns to his kindred in moving hea-y stones and beams; yet in the a duly qualified shaman. In certain Papago absence of powerful draught-animals the devices clans the candidate sleeps fasting near a groat failed to mature in wheeled vehicles, as related rock supposed to harbor rattlesnakes, until the devices appear to have done in the Old World. Cireat Ancient Rattlesnake inducts him into a.