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MEILHAC. 282 MEISSONIEK. Dicori (1888) ; and Cruusc fortune (1896). He was made a member of the Freiieh Academy in 1888, and died in Paris, July U, 1897. MEINARDTJS, mi-niir'dus, LuDWiG Sieg- fried (1827-00). A German composer and writer on musical topics, horn at llooksjcl, 01dcn1)urg. He studied at the Leipzig Conservatory, and as a pupil of Riecius at Leipzig, of Liszt at Weimar, and of Marx at Berlin ; was director of the Glogau Singakadeniie from 1853 to 1805; and from 1865 to 1874 a professor in the Dresden Conservatory. Subsequently at Hamburg, and from 1887 at Bielefeld, he was a composer and critic. His musical works include the oratorios (lidi'on and Kiiniy Hdloino, the Wandcrliid for cliorus and wind instruments, a sonata for violoncello and pianoforte, sonatas for violin and pianoforte, a quintet and tliree trios for pianoforte and strings, songs, and pianoforte music. He also published KuUurgeschichtUche Briefe i'lher deutsche Ton- kunst (1872), and .1/ocar/, ein Kiinstlerleben (1882). MEINEKE, mi'ne-ke, August (17901870). A distinguished German philologist. He was liorn at f>oest, in Westphalia, and was educated at Leipzig, where he studied luider G. Hermann. He was director of the .Toachimsthal Gymnasium at Berlin from 1820 to 1857. His numerous works, which are chiefly critical editions of the CJreek authors, include: Frar/motla Comiconim Gnccorum (1839-43); Anuhcta Alcxandrina (1843K containing collections and admirable explanations of the fragments of Euphorion, Rhianos, Alexander .Etolus, and others ; the lexi- con of filcphanus Biiznntiiis (1849) ; and text- recensions of Strabo( 185253) ; of Horace( 1834) , in which the so-called four-line strophe law. dis- covered bv Jleineke and Lachmann, is applied; of StobaMis (18,55-04) ; of Athemeus (1S59) ; and of Ai'istophanes (1800). Consult: Ranke, .U^rr? ileincke (Leipzig, 1871) : and Sauppe, Ziir Ennytcrunfi an ihhicl-c und lielkcr (Giittingen, 1872). MEININGEN", mi'ning-cn. The capital of the little Duchy of Saxe-ileiningcn, in Central Ger- many. It is situated on the right bank of the Werra, and is the scat of the provincial c<mrts (Map: Germany, D 3). Noteworthy features in- clude the home of the Hennelierg Antiipiarian Society, the park known as the 'Kiigli~h (Jarden." and the parish church. The Meiningen stock com- pany, which for 10 years enjoyed a Kuropean rep- utation for the excellence of itsstagingamlacting. was di^>olvicl in 1890. Population, in 1900, 14.51H. 3CEISSEN, niT'sen. An interesting old town of th" Kingdom of Saxony. Germany, situated on the h'ft bank of the Elbe. 10 miles by rail north- west of Dresden (Map: Germany. K 3). It lies in an exceptionally jiicturesque region, and has re- tained its ancient appearance. Al)Ove the town rises the Schlossberg ( 100 feet), with the Cathe- dral and the .Mhrechtsburg. The former, a notable specimen of Gothic arcliileeture. was ereeled in 1200- 14.50. It is surmounted by a fine spire of openwork, contains many monuments and tombs of Saxon rulers, and a notable altar-piece by an unknown German painter. The -Mbrechtsburg. an extensive castle erected in 1471-83 and oc- cupied by the electoral, afterwards royal, porce- lain factory from 1710 to lSrt4. has been restored since 1S73. and some of the halls have been deco- rated with fine frescoes hr modem artists. The most notewortliy educational institution is the Fiirstenschule on the Afraberg, foinidcd in 1543, Lessing and (Jellert attended school here. There are also a 'real' school and schools of commerce and agriculture. ileissen has played a prominent part in the porcelain industry of Saxony. It was here that Biittger established in 1710 the first porcelain factorj- in Europe and produced the famous Meis.sen ware. (See Bottger and Pottkry.) The factory was transferred in 1803 from the .- breclitsburg to Triebischthal, a sliort distance from Meissen, and now employs over 700 jiersons. ^Meissen has a number of other porcelain manu- factories, also foundries and machine works, tex- tile mills, and manufactures of sewing nuichines, pianos, furniture, etc. In the vicinity the culti- vation of fruit is carried on extensively. The chief articles of commerce are local iiuinufactures of wine. ileisscn was founded in 928 by the Emiieror Henry I., and rose to great imjiortance as the residence of the m;irgravcs of Meissen, the direct ancestors of the present Royal House of Saxony. The bishops of Meissen had imtil 1581 the rank if princes of the Empire. Population, in 1890, 17.875; in 1900 (including Ciilln. annexed in 1901), 20.12.3.. chiefly Protestants. MEISSEN, Heinricii vox. A German min- nesinger. Scf Fkauenlob. MEISSNER, mis'nPr, Alfred (1822-85). An Austrian poet, born at Tejilitz, grandson of the following. Wis Gedichtc (1S45) attracted much attention, and the lyrical epic Zisk-a ( 184<i) shows the influence of Byron and Lenau. During a stay in Paris lie wrote his I'cvoUitunuirc Sliidien aiifi Paris (1849). His tr;igedies. Dan Weih det T'rias (1850) and f'rfiinald Armstroiip. odrr die Melt dcs (Icldc.i (1853). were not very success- ful. Better are his novels, chief auKmg which are: Sansara (1861); Xeuer Adel (1801); and Zur F.hrc flottrs. The last named is an inter- esting narrative of the events which took place in .ustria during the reactionary ]ieriod of 18,50- 54. Consult his autobiography. Gmchichle meines Lchrns (Tesehen. 1884). MEISSNER, August Gottheb (1753-1807). A (uTiiKui iMisccllaneous writer, born at Baut- zen. Ill' studied law at Wittenberg and Leip- zig, and in 1785 was ajipoiuted to the chair of belleslettics in the t'nivcrsity of Prague. For the last two years of his life he was director of (he Fulda High School. Best known of his works are his f<l;iz::c)i, a collection of miscel- laneous stories, dialogues, anecdotes, and essays. He also wrote several romances and historical novels, such as AlcHiiaden (17S1-8.S): Bianco Caixlh, (1785): and Epaminondas (1708). MEISSONIEB, nift'sAnya', .Te.^n Louis Er- nest (1S15-91). . French military and genre painter, born at Lyons. February 21. 1SI5. In 1830 he went to Paris and worked for a short time in the studio of Cogniet. but he received his most valuable training in art from his study of the old masters in the Lotivre. especinlly those of the Dutch School. At first he illiistratpH t)ooks and made etchings as a means of liveli' hood. His first painting. "The Visitors." w«i exhibited at the Salon in 1S30. In 1S43 and 1848 he received first-class medals from the Salon, and in the expositions of 1S55. 1S07. and 1879 the grand medal of honor. In 1848 he was cap-