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RUYSCH. 398 RYAN. Anisteidain. ami others fn Karlsrulio, Bi'ilin, Urcsdcn. Vicuna, ami Xow Vorlc. She dieil in .Vni^lriilaiii. RUYSDAEL, loisMal, or RUISDAEL, Jacob (c. 1020-82). One of the greatest landscape paint- ers of the Dutch school. He was born at Haar- lem and studied under liis uiiele, Salomon Kuys- dael. In lti48 he was received into the guild at Haarlem and in lliolt obtained the rights of citizenship at Amsterdam, where he lived from ItJoT to IGSl. Although he nutst have occupied a distinguished position among his fellow artists, as such masters as Hereheni, Lingelbach, Philip Wouwerman, and Eglon van der Xeer painted the figures in some of his landscapes, he was so little appreciated by his contemporaries that he fell into poverty. His friends of the Jlennonite sect, to which he be- longed, procured for him, in 1681, admission to the almshouse at Haarleiu, where he died in March, 1682. He was a close observer of nature, which he rendered in its various aspects with rare trutliful- ness, a powerful and warm coloring, and a mas- tery of execution ranging from the minutest touch to the broadest treatment. Selecting usually the fiat and homely scenery of his native country, with lonely hamlets, water-mills, dark sheets of water overshadowed by trees, while the sky is ustially clouded, he imparts a somewhat melan- choly character to his landscapes, which are tinged, however, with the poetic charm of repose in nature. Dark masses of foliage make the pre- vailing tone of his c-oloring a dark green. Un- fortunately, his earlier pictures have darkened so as to have lost much of their charm. He de- lighted in depicting wide expanses of land or water, especially the surroundings of Haarlem or Amsterdam and the coast of Scheveningen. Of his marine views there are comparatively few. They are characterized by cloudy skies and an agitated sea, and include some of his most suc- cessful eff'orts. Some of his greatest triumphs he won. however, with the rejiresentations of hilly and even mountainous scenery, with foaming waterfalls. Among the numerous fine examples in public galleries are an "Oak Forest," "View of Haarlem," and an "Agitated Sea," in the Berlin Museum : "Ford in a Wood," "Castle of Bent- heim," "The Hunt" (with accessories by Van de Velde), "The Monastery," and especially the "Jewish Cemetery," of sombre but imposing ef- fect, in the Dresden Gallery. Admirable speci- mens of Ills waterfalls are in Munich, Brunswick, Cassel (1082), Amsterdam, The Hague, which also contains a fine view of the "Bleaching Green Near Haarlem." in Antwerp, and in the National Galler}-, London, where may also be seen a "Land- scape with Ruins" (167.3), and several others. A "Storm at Sea," a "Forest" (with cattle and figures by Berchem ) , and two landscapes, known as "Le buisson" and "Le coup de soleil," are in the Louvre. The Hermitage at .Saint Petersburg preserves fourteen of his works, and 1.30 rare examples are in various private collections in England. Euysdael also left seven spirited etch- ings. Consult : Van dcr Willigen, Les artistrs de Haarlrm (The Hague, 1870) : Crowe, Unnd- hook of Paint iiiff (London. 1874) : Wurzbach. in Dohme, Kunat und Kiinstler, ii. (Leipzig, 1878) ; and Jlichel, Jacoh van Riiisdael et Irs pai/sai/isfes dc Vrcolr dr naarlem (Paris. ISDO). RUYSDAEL, or RUISDAEL, Salomon le.lOOu-70). A Dutch land.scape painter, uncle of the preceding, born at li^iarleni. In liis earlier works lie was u close imitator of Jun vun Goyen, hut later his mannered treatment of foliage and a more powerful color make his pictures more easilj' di.stingnisliable from tlioHe of his master. Among his pictures may be iiuoled: A "Dutch Canal" (1042). «illi many figures, and four others (two dale<l lli;il, Itijd) in the Berlin Museum; "Village in Flat Country" (1033) and "Fisherman's Cottage Near Ciinal" (1043), in Dresden; "Canal with Boats" (1042), in .Munich; a "River LamLscape" (ltiri2), in Co- penhagen: "Banks of the Meuse" and "'iew of Alkmaar," in the Metropolitan Museum, New York ; and "Crossing the River," in the Gallery of the llistoriiiil Society, New York. RUYTER, roi'ter. Mkii.skl Ahhia.wszoox de (10O7-7(i). A Dutch admiral, born at Flushing. He went to sea as a boy and rose to be captain of a vessel employed by the Flushing merchants for the protection of their conunerce in the British Channel (1037). In l(i41 he was made rear-admiral of a squadron dispatched by Hol- land to the aid of the Portuguese against the Spaniards and distinguished himself in a battle W'hich was fought near Cape Saint V'incent, November 3d. In 1047 he rendered etVective ser- vice against the Barbary pirates. When war between Holland and Kngland broke out in 1652 Ruyter was placed in command of a tieet of some 35 ships and on August 20th fought a drawn bat- tle with Sir George Ayscue oil' Plymouth. He was under ilaartcn Tromp when the latter de- feated Blake in the Chamiel ( l)ec<Mid)er llllli), and participated in the tliree days' battle with Blake near Portland ( February 28-Jlarcli 2, 1053). After the ])eace of 1054 he cruised in the Mediterranean and captured several Turkish ships. In 1059 he was dispatched to aid the King of Denmark against Sweden and for his services was ennobled. In the second war against the English, Ruyter received the chief eonuuand. In June, 1006, Ruyter and Cornells van Tromp, with HO sails, engaged the English fieet under Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albemarle. Both sides fought with such obstinacy that the battle lasted four days, ending in a partial victory for the Dutch. The conMict was renewed in .Inly, when the British gained a complete victory, destroying above 20 of Ruyter's men-of-war. In I(i07 Ruyter ravaged the English sliipping at .Sheerness, saileil up the Medway as far as Chatham, burned several English men-or-war, and efl'ected more toward the conclusicm of peace at Breda (1007) than any diplomatist. In 1072 he commanded the Dutch fieet and fought several battles with the com- bined English and French llects, but without de- cisive results. In 1075 he was sent to the Mediterranean to cooperate with the Spanish fleet against the French. He fought a drawn battle with the French under Du(|nesiie otr Stromboli (January 8, 1070), but was defeated near Merscna, oil' the east coast of Sicily (April 21st). He made good his retreat into the harbor of Syracuse. His legs, however, were shattered in the engagement and he died .pril 29th, Con- sult: Liefde, The (Irrnt Dutch Admirnh (Lon- don, 1873) ; Grinnel-Milne, Life of Lieutenant Admiral de Ruyter (London, 1896). RY'AN ABBAjr Joseph, best known as •Fatlur Ryan' (1839-80). An American Roman Catholic priest, probably the most conspicuous poet of the Southern Confe<leracy. Shortly after