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STUCLEY. 641 STUNDISTS. •two years of this life he was seized at Cork, but aiiparcntly vas not brought to trial. For sev- eral years afterwards lie was employed in Ire- land, but. having intrigued with Spanish agents, he ultimately tied to Spain. In 1571 Stucley commanded three vessels at the battle of Le- panto. and seven years later, while in the ser- vice of Sebastian of Portugal, was killed in the battle of Alcazar in Morocco. He became the hero of numerous ballads and plays. One of these. The I'limous History of the Life and Dciith of Ciiiildiii. Thomas .S7»/,-i^/, was printed "as it hath been acted." in London in 11)0.5. It was re- printed in Simpson's School of Hhalcespeare (187S), with a biography of Stucley prefixed. STUD-BOOK. A genealogical record of blooiled stuck. The British Stud-Book for horses is the oldest in existence and was first com- menced in 1791. All the facts that are in ex- istence regarding the evolution through sys- tematic breeding of the modern horse is obtained through the British Stud-Book. There are simi- lar records for cattle and dogs. STUDER, stoo'der, Berniiard ( 17(14-1887) . A Swiss geologist, born at Biiren. Canton of Bern. He studied at Bern, Gottingen, and Paris, and in 182.5 was made professor of geology in Bern, where he labored continuously until 1873. Some of the more important of his works are: Beitriige zu einer Monograjtlne dcr Mohisse (1825) ; (teo- logie der tcestlichen Schweizeralpeii (1834); Lehrbuch der physikalischcn Geographie and Geologic (1844-47); Geologic der Schivciz (1851- 53) ; and Zur Geologic der Berncr Alpen (1866). STUHLMANN, stool'man. Franz (lSii;i— ). A German zoologist and African explorer, born in Hamburg. After studying at Tiilungen and Frei- burg, he went to East Africa in 18S8, and during the revolt of the Arabs in 1800 entered the Ger- man corps of defense as a lieutenant, and was severely wounded at Mleml)ule. After his re- covery he joined the expedition of Emin Pasha to the lake region, was sent ahead from Undus- suma to Lake Victoria, and readied the coast in July, 1892, at Bagamoyo, whence he returned to Germany with valuable cartographic mate- rial and rich collections, to which he added copiously on another trip to Gernuin East Africa, undertaken in 1893-94 liy order of the Govern- ment. He published Zoologische Ergebnisse einer in die Kiisteiigebiete roii Ostafriku unter- t^ommeticn Reise ISSS-HO ( 1S1I3-1901 ) . and Mit Emin I'ascha ins Hcrz von Afrika (1894). STUHLWEISSENBURG, stonl'vi'sra-bnnrK (Hung. Szckes-Fchcrrdr) . A royal free city, capi- tal of the county of the same name. Hungary, 35 miles southwest of Budapest (Jlap: Hungary, F 3). The episcopal jnilace and the cathedral are noteworthy edifices. The manufactures of woolens, sillcs, and knives are extensive and the agricultural interests prominent. Stuhl- ■vveisseuburg is the Alba Regia of the Ro- mans. From the eleventh to the sixteenth cen- tury the kings of Hungary were crowned there; afterwards the ceremonial took place at Press- burg. The city was lield liy the Turks from 1543 to 1688, with the exception of the period 160102. Population, in 1890, 28,942; in 1900, 32,167. STUKELY, stiik'll, William (16S7-1765). An English antiquary, born at Holbeach, Lin- colnshire. He graduated at Bennet (Corpus Cliristi) College, C'aniltridge, in 1708. With Roger tiales he made long antiquarian tours in various parts of England. Among liis many pub- lished works are: An. Account of a Roman Temple and Other Antiquities, near Graham's Dike in Scotland (1720); Itinerariuin f'uriosum (1724, 2d ed. 1776) ; .S'foHWir?i(7c( 1740) ; Abury, a Temple of the British Druidn. (1743); I'alw- agraphia Britanuica (1743-52) ; and The Medal- lie Uistory of J/. A. V. Caurasius (1757-59). STtJLER, sti.i'ler, Friedricii August (1800- 05). A German architect, born in Miihlhausen, Thuringia. He studied first in Berlin and afterwards in France and Italy. Appointed Court inspector of Iniildiiigs at Berlin in 1830, lie was two years later ])ut at the head of the architectural commission of the royal palace. His principal buildings include the New Museum (1843-55), the churches of Saint Bartholomew (1854-58), Saint James (1845), Saint Mark ( 1848-55 ) , and Saint Matthew ( 1840) , as well as parts of the royal palace in Berlin, the Academy of Sciences at Budapest, the National Museum of Stockholm (1850-66), the Museum at Cologne (1855-61), the reconstructed Winter Palace at Saint Peterslmrg, the University at Konigsl>erg (1844-63). and the reeonstruef ion of the Stol- zenfels Castle and the Hohenzollern Castle (1850-67). STUMM, stum, Karl Ferdinand, Baron von Halberg (1836-1901). A German manufacturer and politician, born in Saarbriicken. He studied in Bonn and Berlin, and in 1858 became the head of the family firm which had for many years owned the great iron works at Neuiilcirchen. He was a memlier of the Prussian Chamber from 1867 till 1870, and of the Reichstag from 1867 till 1881, and from 1889 till his death in 1901; and was one of the founders of the German Rcichspartei. Over his thousands of workmen he exercised a sort of paternalistic rule, and he furnished them with liospitals. technical schools, a library, model dwellings, and many other ad- vantages. He w'as bitterly hostile to socialism. STUMPF, stumpf, Karl (1848—). A Ger- man psyeliologist. born at Wiesentheid, Bavaria. He studied at Wiirzburg and Giittingen, being es- pecially influenced by the teachings of F. Bren- tano and R. H. Lotze. After qualifying as privat-docent at Gottingen, in 1870, he was ap- pointed to the chair of philosophy successively at Wiirzlmrg (1873), Prague (1879), Halle (1884). Munich (1889), and Berlin (1894), where he instituted the psycliological seminar. In 1895 he became a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. His publications include numerous nionogra])hs upon psycholo,gv^ aesthet- ics, ethnology, epistemologj', and especially upon physical and psychological acoustics. They com- prise: Ueber den psi/cliologischen Urspruiig der Raumvorstelluiig (1873); fonpsychologie (1883- 90) ; Tafeln zur Geschichtc der Philosophic (2d ed. 1900) ; Psychologic und Erkennt nisthcorie (1891) ; Beitriige zur Akustik »»rf M iisikirissi-n- schaft, I. Consonanz und Dissonanz (1898). He is best known bj' his eontrilnitions to the psychological study of sensations of tone and their use in music. STUNDISTS (from Ger. Stnnde. hour les- son ; so called from their meetings to read the