Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/14

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The letter J is not used in the writing of Latin words in this book. Instead of it an italic I is used in roman type, and a roman I in italic type. See § 7.

The pronunciation of Latin recommended in this book is that of the pamphlet entitled Pronunciation of Latin in the Augustan Period, issued with the authority of the Cambridge Philological Society, and published by Messrs. Trubner and Co. To it the student is referred for further information.

The Quantity Marks refer to the quantity of the vowels, not to the quantity of the syllables. Long vowels are always marked. Short vowels are marked wherever it seemed desirable that this should be done.

The term "Base" is used to denote the part of a word which remains unchanged when its termination varies. See § 12.

The references throughout are to sections. An asterisk [thus § 156*] indicates the small print in a section. The addition of a letter or number [thus § 165 (d)] denotes a subdivision of a section. The addition of n. [thus § 384 n.1] denotes a footnote.