Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/28

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The New Latin Primer.

  Sing. Plur.
N.V. ars art-ēs
A. art-em art-ēs
G. art-ĭs art-ĭum
D. art-ī art-ĭbŭs
Abl. art-ĕ art-ĭbŭs

The Loc. Sing., when used, ends in -ī, as Karthāgĭn-ī at Carthage, rūr-ī in the country; but the Abl. is generally used instead.

Some Nouns with Nom. Sing, in -ĭs have in the Abl. Sing. Ex. tussis (f.) cough, Abl. Sing. tuss-ī, also tuss-ĕ See § 272.

vīs (f.) force is declined thus:

  Sing. Plur.
N. vīs vīr-ēs
A. vim vīr-ēs
G. (none) vīr-ĭum
D. (none) vīr-ĭbŭs
Abl. vīr-ĭbŭs

A few other Nouns in -ĭs sometimes form the Ace. Sing. in -im. See § 271.

§ 22. The following list exhibits the most important forms of the Nom. and Gen, Sing, of Masculine and Feminine Nouns :

  Nom. Gen.    
amnĭs amn-ĭs m. river
turrĭs turr-ĭs f. tower
  nūbēs nūb-ĭs f. cloud
  cōnsŭl cōnsŭl-ĭs m. consul