Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/34

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The New Latin Primer.

Dexter, dextĕră or dextră, dextĕrum or dextrum on the right hand, varies.

All other Adjectives of the First Class in -er are declined like pĭgĕr.

§ 29. ūnus, ūna, ūnum one, is thus declined in the Sing:

M. F. N.
N. ūn-ŭs ūn-ă ūn-um
V. ūn-ĕ ūn-ă ūn-um
A. ūn-um ūn-am ūn-um
G. ūn-īŭs or ūn-ĭŭs
D. ūn-ī
Abl. ūn-o ūn-ā ūn-ō

In the Plural (required for Nouns with a Plural form but a Singular meaning) it is declined like bŏnŭs.

The following Pronominal Adjectives also have -īŭs (or -ĭŭs, see § 448*) in G. Sing., and in D. Sing. of all Genders.

ūllus any sōlus only
nūllus no tōtus whole
alter, altĕra, altĕrum one or other (of two), second.
ŭter, ŭtra, ŭtrum which of two.
neuter, neutra, neutrum neither.

ălĭ-ŭs, ălĭ-a, ălĭ-ŭd other has Gen. Sing. ălīŭs (rare), Dat. Sing. ălĭī.

Adjectives of the Second Class.

§ 30. These Adjectives, with a very few exceptions, do not distinguish the Masc. and Fem. by different terminations.

The general remarks in § 21 on Nouns of the Third Declension apply to Adjectives of the Second Class.