Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/36

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The New Latin Primer

Sing. Plur.
M. F. N. M. F. N.
N.V. prūdēns prūdent-ēs prūdent-ĭă
A. prūdent-em prūdēns prūdent-ēs prūdent-ĭă
G. prūdent-ĭs prūdent-ĭum
D. prūdent-ī prūdent-ĭbŭs
Abl. prūdent-ī (rarely prūdent-ĕ) prūdent-ĭbŭs
Sing. Plur.
M. F. N. M. F. N.
N.V. dŭplex dŭplĭc-ēs dŭplĭc-ĭă
A. dŭplĭc-ĕm dŭplex dŭplĭc-ēs dŭplĭc-ĭă
G. dŭplĭc-ĭs dŭplĭc-um
D. dŭplĭc-ī dŭplĭc-ĭbŭs
Abl. dŭplĭc-ī (rarely dŭplĭc-ĕ) dŭplĭc-ĭbŭs

§ 32. The following list gives examples of the most important forms of Nom., Gen., and Abl. Sing. of Adjectives declined like prūdēns and dŭplex.

Nom. Gen. Abl.
audāx audāc-ĭs audāc-ī (or -ĕ) bold
ătrōx ătrōc-ĭs ătrōc-ī (or -ĕ) frightful
fēlīx fēlīc-ĭs fēlīc-ī (or -ĕ) fortunate
ēlĕgāns ēlĕgant-ĭs ēlĕgant-ī refined
tĕrĕs tĕrĕt-ĭs tĕrĕt-ī rounded
dīvĕs dīvĭt-ĭs dīvĭt-ĕ rich
vĭgĭl vĭgĭl-ĭs vĭgĭl-ī wakeful
mĕmŏr mĕmŏr-ĭs mĕmŏr-ī mindful
paupĕr paupĕr-ĭs paupĕr-ĕ poor
ĭnops ĭnŏp-ĭs ĭnŏp-ī (or -ĕ) poor
partĭceps partĭcĭp-ĭs partĭcĭp-ĕ sharing

This list shows the impossibility of giving any rule for -ī or -ĕ in Abl. Sing.