Page:The New Life (Rossetti 1899) Siddal ed.djvu/59

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Wherefore, if this fault is or doth but seem
Do thou conceive: for his heart cannot move."

Say to her also: "Lady, his poor heart
Is so confirmed in faith
That all its thoughts are but of serving thee:
'Twas early thine, and could not swerve apart."
Then, if she wavereth,
Bid her ask Love, who knows if these things be.
And in the end, beg of her modestly
To pardon so much boldness: saying too:—
"If thou declare his death to be thy due,
The thing shall come to pass, as doth behove."

Then pray thou of the Master of all ruth,
Before thou leave her there,
That he befriend my cause and plead it well.
"In guerdon of my sweet rhymes and my truth"
(Entreat him) "stay with her;

Let not the hope of thy poor servant fail;