Page:The New Life (Rossetti 1899) Siddal ed.djvu/72

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   The New

"When thou art near." And also this second part divides into five distinct statements. For, in the first, I say what Love, counselled by Reason, tells me when I am near the lady. In the second, I set forth the state of my heart by the example of the face. In the third, I say how all ground of trust fails me. In the fourth, I say that he sins who shows not pity of me, which would give me some comfort. In the last, I say why people should take pity: namely, for the piteous look which comes into mine eyes; which piteous look is destroyed, that is, appeareth not unto others, through the jeering of this lady, who draws to the like action those who peradventure would see this piteousness. The second part begins here, "My face shows;" the third, "Till, in the drunken terror;" the fourth, "It were a grievous sin;" the fifth, "For the great anguish."

Thereafter, this sonnet bred in me desire to write down in verse four other things touching my con-