Page:The New Monthly Magazine - Volume 039.djvu/10

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Ode to Mr. Wilkins 285
The Financial State of Great Britain. Parts I., II. 288, 446
My Two Aunts 297
The most Unfortunate of Women 313
The late King of Spain, Ferdinand VII. 324
A Walk and a Dinner 331
Return of Captain Ross 395
French Libels on the English 401
Words for Melodies, by Mrs. Hemans 410
Notes on Periodicals 424
Elegy, by the Author of "Corn-Law Rhymes" 431
Mrs. John Jones's Pic-Nic 433
Eve, by the late Henry Neele 452
The Story of Hester Malpes. By L. E. L. 463
The Government and the Trades' Unions 475
Simon Techy— a Character 480
Stanzas. By L. E. L. 487

Biographical Sketches of Celebrated Persons, lately deceased, 97,225,387,530.
Critical Notices of the most important and valuable Works, 98, 237, 353,497
New Publications and Literary Report 108, 234, 364, 505
Fine Arts 225, 365, 506
The Drama 109, 234, 367, 508
Varieties (British and Foreign) 110, 238, 370, 515, 518
Rural Economy 112, 241, 373, 521
Useful Arts 112, 241, 373, 521
New Patents 242, 379, 525
Bankrupts 115, 244, 380, 526
Commercial and Money Market Report 114, 244, 381, 527
Monthly Political Digest 116, 246, 382, 528
Marriages and Deaths 124, 251, 394, 531
Provincial Occurrences in Great Britain and Ireland 125, 252, 395, 531
List of New Sheriffs 535