Page:The New Monthly Magazine - Volume 100.djvu/12

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Yucatan and Lake Itza 274
The Cafés and Restaurants of Paris.—Dr. Véron and Bilboquet 282
Balder 292
Tales of my Dragoman. By Basil May. No. VI.—A Padischal Rowland for an Islam Oliver 297
The Story of an Old Manor House. Br Mrs. Acton Tindal 308
German Singers and English Audiences 312
Literary Leaflets. By Sir Nathaniel. No. XVII.—Ruskin's Stones of Venice 334
Nansavallan. By Cyrus Redding 344
A Visit to Worcester. By the Author of "The Unholy Wish" 346
The Orphan of the Wreck. By Mrs. Bushby 360
Vignettes. From a Poet's Portfolio 363
About Lord Brougham. By Doctor Pinch 368
The Flitch of Bacon: or, the Custom of Dunmow. A Tale of English Home. Part V.—Monkbury Place. Chaps. I to IV. By the Editor 379
Sir Thomas Talfourd. By Cyrus Redding 407
Literary Leaflets. By Sir Nathaniel. No. XVIII.—Isaac Taylor 416
A Fortnight in Finnland 423
The Cardinals' Levee, and Midnight Mass in St. Peter's, Christmas Eve, 1853. By C. P. 432
Mr. Jolly Green's Account of the Peace Deputation to St. Petersburg 439
Art Prospects in England 457
Armenia 464
One Arm of the Service — Cavalry 474
The Armament of the Baltic. By Nicholas Michell 485
The War with Russia 487
War! A Song. By J. E. Carpenter 500

Literature of the Month—(January)—Landor's Last Fruit off an Old Tree—Forest Life in Ceylon—Resources of the Ottoman Empire-The Turks in Asia—Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia—Robert Montgomery's Poetical Works—John at Home—Messrs. Routledge's Cheap Novels: Jane Seaton; Percy Effingham; Miles Tremenhere; Savile House; Alderman Ralph; and Linny Lockwood—Binns and Goodwin's Publications: Protestant Endurance under Popish cruelty; and An Englishman's Travels in America—Life of Southey—Children's Plays-Astronomy and Geology—William Jones's Poems 116 to 126
—————————— (February)—Two Prize Essays on Juvenile Delinquency—The Divine Comedy: The Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante Alighieri—Matthew Arnold's Poems—Nicholas Michell's Ruins of Many Lands—Dr. Waller's Poems—The Lays of Modern Rome—Dalton's Tropical Lays—A Cargo of Christmas Rhymes—The Crook and the Sword 251