Page:The New Monthly Magazine - Volume 103.djvu/9

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The Elopement 1
Literary Leaflets. By Sir Nathaniel. No. XXVII.—Johnson|Johnson's Lives of the Poets 18
The Sister of the Hôtel Dieu. By Dudley Costello 28
A Farewell to 1854. By Nicholas Michell 37
Baden-Baden in the Winter. By an Old Traveller 39
Polferro. By Florentina 44
The Sick Man and his Prospects 53
Songs of the War.By J. E. Carpenter 69, 201
The Eighteenth Century; or, Illustrations of the Manners and Customs of our Grandfathers. By Alexander Andrews 70, 223, 361, 465
A Waking Dream. From the Danish. By Mrs. Bushby 79
Christmas Eve—1854. By Mary C. F. Monck 82
Wanted A Wife! 84
Heroic Incidents of the War 94
Sybilline Leaves. By G. W. Thornbury 108
Diary of a First Winter in Rome—1854. By Florentia 113, 179, 334, 453
The Foreign Legions of France 127
Gotham and Porkopolis. German Gleanings of American Notions 139
Tom Pepper's Letters from the Crimea 153
The Young Authoress. A Candid Autobiography. Edited by Henry Spicer`, Esq. 167
Literary Leaflets. By Sir Nathaniel. No. XXVII. Mrs. Jameson's Common-place Book 193
Ahasuerus, the Eyer-living Jew. From the Danish. By Mrs. Bushby 204
Tropical Scenery—British Guiana 210
On Some of the Inconveniences of Paying One's Debts 220
The Reception of the Dead. By the Author of "The Elopement" 231
Our Camp in Turkey 246
Travels in the Crimea 253
The Chateau de Beaufoy. By the Author of "The Unholy Wish" 271
Our First and Last Winter at Carlsbruhe. By an Old Traveller 284