Page:The New Testament in the original Greek - 1881.djvu/666

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Section II. Characteristics of the chief ancient texts

A. Western characteristics

B. The neutral text and its preservation

C. Alexandrian characteristics

D. Syrian characteristics

Section III. Sketch of Post-Nicene textual history

A. The two stages of the Syrian text

B. Mixture in the fourth century

C. Final supremacy of the Syrian text

D. Relics of Pre-Syrian texts in cursives

E. Recapitulation of the history of the text

Section IV. Relations of the principal ancient documents to the chief ancient texts

A. Nature of the process of determination

B. Texts found in Greek MSS

C. Texts found in Versions

D. Texts found in Greek Fathers

Section V. Identification and estimation of readings as belonging to the chief ancient texts

A. Nature of the process of identification

B. Identification and rejection of Syrian readings

C. Identification of Western and of Alexandrian readings

D. Identification of neutral readings

E. Suspiciousness of Western and A lexandrian readings:

F. Exceptional Western non-interpolations

G. Recapitulation of genealogical evidence proper

Section VI. Review of previous criticism with reference to ancient texts

A. Foundation of historical criticism by Mill, Bentley, and Bengel

B. Development of historical criticism by Griesbach, in contrast with Hug's theory of recensions

C. Defects of Griesbach's criticism

D. Permanent value of Griesbach's criticism