Page:The New Testament in the original Greek - Introduction and Appendix (1882).pdf/299

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favourable to א unsupported by other uncials: indeed a large proportion of the readings of the binary combinations אΑ, אC, אP2 are questionable or clearly wrong. C preserves nearly the same character as in the Acts and Epistles. The elements of A apparently remain unchanged; but the ancient or neutral element is larger. Both these MSS however acquire a high relative eminence through the want of compeers, or documents approximately such. Their consent is well supported by internal evidence, even where it has no documentary confirmation; and A stands quite alone, or unsustained by any other Greek MS, in some manifestly right readings, such as κατήγωρ in xii 10, and εἴ τις εἰς αἰχμαλωσίαν εἰς αἰχμαλωσίαν ὑπάγει in xiii 10. On the other hand the absolute proportion of wrong readings is great in each of them singly. As in most of the Epistles, P2 contains, in the midst of a somewhat degenerate text, so many good readings that it is entitled to an appreciable authority in doubtful cases; while the comparatively few readings of B2 which rise above its generally low level of character are such as imply a source of no distinctive value. Cursives containing not a few ancient readings are fairly numerous, and yield valuable help; as do the Latin versions, and in a less degree the rest, which seem to be all of comparatively late date, and certainly have texts of an extremely mixed character. Careful study of grouping goes far towards shewing which readings may safely be neglected; and Internal Evidence of Readings is often sufficiently decisive in this book to allow a clear decision to be made between those that remain. Yet the state of the documentary evidence renders it necessary to leave a considerable number of alternative readings. With the fullest allowance for the peculiarities