Page:The New View of Hell.djvu/14

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But what have the Christian teachers of to-day to offer as a substitute for the old idea, which is confessedly becoming obsolete in nearly all of the churches? Many of them, nothing—literally nothing, that can at once satisfy the reason of thoughtful inquirers, and meet the demands of the language of Scripture. And some are frank enough to confess their destitution. Said a distinguished Presbyterian clergyman, writing on this subject some time ago: "It is all dark, dark, dark, to my soul; and I cannot disguise it."

The aim of the present work is to unfold and present the New view of Hell, as set forth in the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg; to show that it is at once rational and Scriptural, in harmony with the perfect love and wisdom of God, as well as with the teachings of human experience and the profoundest spiritual philosophy; and that its practical influence upon the character of believers, cannot be otherwise than beneficent.

How far I have succeeded in this, the reader himself must judge. But if I have achieved even a partial success, and presented the subject in a light to relieve and profit only a few troubled souls, I shall be more than satisfied—I shall be thankful.

B. F. B.

Philadelphia, November 15, 1871.