Page:The New View of Hell.djvu/19

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as all who are deceased, and will separate the evil from the good, as a shepherd separates the goats from the sheep that then He will cast the evil, or the goats, into hell, and raise up the good, or the sheep, into heaven; and further that He will, at the same time, create a new visible heaven and a new habitable earth, and on the latter He will cause a city to descend, which is to be called the New Jerusalem, and is to be built according to the description given in the Revelation (Ch. xxi.) of jasper and gold; and the foundation of its walls of every precious stone; and its height, breadth and length to be equal, each twelve thousand furlongs; and that all the elect are to be gathered together into this city, both those that are then alive, and those that have died since the beginning of the world; and that the latter will then return into their bodies, and enjoy everlasting bliss in that magnificent city, as in their heaven. This is the prevailing opinion of the present day, in all Christian churches, respecting the coming of the Lord and the last judgment."—True Christian Religion, n . 768.

And a little further on he says:

"That the second coming of the Lord, is a coming, not in person, but in the Word which is from Him, and is Himself.—It is written in many places that the Lord will come in the clouds of heaven; as Matt. xvii. 5; xxiv. 30; xxvi. 64; Mark xiv. 62; Luke ix. 34, 35; xxi. 27; Rev. i. 7; xiv. 14; Dan. vii. 13; but no one has heretofore known what is meant by the clouds of heaven,