Page:The New View of Hell.djvu/21

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and publish to the world that these doctrines were not his own—not the result of any labor or study on his part, nor received from any angel, but communicated to him by the Lord alone. "From the first day of that calling," he says, "I have not received anything whatever pertaining to the doctrines of the New Church from any angel, but from the Lord alone while I read the Word."

It is not my purpose here to enter upon any discussion of this claim, or to adduce evidence to show that it is well founded. The need there was of a new revelation at the time Swedenborg lived and wrote, as shown by the doctrinal beliefs and teachings in all the churches of his day; the luminous and extraordinary character of his theological writings; the sweet and heavenly and catholic spirit that they breathe throughout; the elevated and rational views they contain on all subjects—views that harmonize with the teachings of Scripture and reason and science, and with all we know of the laws of the human soul and the ways and workings of God's providence;—all these combine to force an acknowledgment of his claim from every intelligent and candid mind who thoroughly examines and understands his writings. Such an one admits his claim because he cannot help it. He finds the evidence so overwhelming, that it is easier to accept than to reject it. He sees that here is, indeed, a new revelation; that here is a system of spiritual truth so grand and harmonious and rational, so comprehensive