Page:The New View of Hell.djvu/223

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Words in Season. A Manual of Instruction, Comfort and Devotion for Family Reading and Private Use. By REV. HENRY B. BROWNING, M. A. 16mo. Toned paper. Extra cloth.$1.

"Words in Season is the title of a beautiful little volume of practical religious counsels of instruction, comfort and devotion for family reading and private use. It appears to be truly evangelical, and to be calculated, in style and spirit. to do the good at which it aims."—Boston Congregationalist.

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"A very good book."—N. Y. Libera.Christian.

The Scriptural Doctrine of Hades. Comprising an Inquiry into the State of the Righteous and Wicked Dead be- tween Death and the General Judgment, and demonstrating from the Bible that the Atonement was neither made on the Cross nor yet in this World. By REV. GEORGE BARTLE, D. D., Principal of Walton College, Liverpool. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50.

"Appears to be to demonstrate that Christ actually descended into hell after death; that the time intervening between his death and his resurrection was spent there not in preaching to the lost spirits, but in actually suffering their punishment; and that this actual and literal suffering of the 'second death' was necessary to complete the atonement and to make him a true and sufficient substitute for sinners. We shall not attempt to follow the elaborate argument by which the author endeavors to sustain this most extraordinary position.. . Giving to the author credit for very considerable research and no little ingenuity in the construction of his argument, we must, nevertheless, rank his book as among the 'curiosities of literature."—N. Y. Independent.

Our Children in Heaven. By William H. Holcombe, M. D., author of "The Sexes," etc. 12mo.

Tinted paper. Extra cloth. $1.75.

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The Sexes: Here and Hereafter. By William H. HOLCOMBE, M. D., author of "Our Children in Heaven," etc. 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra cloth. $1.50.

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In Both Worlds. By Wm. H. Holcombe, M. D., author of "Our Children in Heaven," "The Sexes: Here and Hereafter," etc., etc. 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra cloth. $1.75.

"While likely to prove of the deepest and most thrilling interest to all whose minds are elevated above materiality and the grosser elements of nature, it is in no sense irreverent."—Boston Evening Traveler.