Page:The Newspaper World.djvu/11

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long and interesting story of Parliamentary reporting has not been touched on, because it was felt that to treat it adequately would need, not a chapter, but a volume.

For the general reader, some account is given of the functions of the various members of the newspaper staff in the present day, from the editor downwards, and—without making the description at all technical — the conditions of newspaper production and the methods of work have been described in a fashion which it is hoped will interest and inform, and at the same time serve to clear away some of the misconceptions which still exist in the public mind on these subjects. It is not imagined that in this there is much, if anything, which is not familiar to every member of the profession to which the author feels it an honor to belong, but he claims at least to have endeavored to portray faithfully and describe truthfully newspaper workers and work as they exist.