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A FttOnOgraplliC Dictionary of the English Language; containing the shorthand forms for 55,000 Words, and 5,000 Proper Names. Price, cloth, 4s.; " Library Edition," half roan, 5s. The Reporter's AssiBtant, a Key to the Readine of the Reporting Style of Phonography. Price is. ; cloth, zs. 6d. Teclmical Bepoitlllg, comprising Phonographic Abbreviations for words and phrases commonly met with in reporting Legal, Scientific, and other Technical subjects. By T. A. R^d. Price is. 6d. ; cloth, zs. FhOnOKZapliy in the Office : a Complete Shorthand Clerk's Guide. By A. Kingston. Price is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. The Bhortioand Commercial Letter Writer ; a Guide to Commercial Correspondence in the Rep. Style of Phonography, zs. ; cloth, is. 6d. Xey to the " Shorthand Commercial Letter Writer, containing all the Letters in ordinary type. Price 6d. ; cloth, is. The Shorthand Commercial Letter Writer and Key, in one vol. Price, cloth, 2s. The Phonographic Railway Phrase Book, an adaptation of phonogra- phy to the requirements ot Railway Business and Correspondence, -6d. The Pnonograpmc Legal Phrase Book, an adaptation of Phono^aphj to the requirements of Legal Business and Correspondence. Pnce 6a. PZench Phonography, an adaptation of Pitman's Phonetic Shorthand to the French language ; by Thomas Allen Reed. Price is. IdSt of the Phonetic Society for the current year. Post-free zj^d. TAg Members of this Society kindly offer to correct the lessons 0/ phono- graphic students, through the post, gratuitously. Learners are cautioned ugainst persons who advertise themselves as Teachers of Phonography through the post for a fee. SHORTHAND READING BOOKS. (Printed in Phonography from^ Engraved Metal Characters.) Corresponding Style. Extracts, NOS. 1, 2, and 3. Price 6d. each. The Book of Psalms. Price is. ; cloth is. 6d. The Narrative of the Pilgrim's Progress. Price is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. 6d. Self-Culture. By Professor Blackie. Price is. ; cloth, is. 6d. QuUiyer's Voyage to Lilliput. By Dean Swift. Price is. ; cloth, is. 6d. Select Poetry. Price 6d. Tales and Sketches. By Washington Irving. With printed Key at foot of each page. Price is. ; cloth, is. 6d. Gleanings ftom Popular Authors. With a Key at the foot of each p^e. Price IS. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. ; extra cloth, 2S. 6d. The l^car of Wakefield, illustrated, in preparation. Reporting Style. Selections, NOS. L 2, and 3. Price 6d. each. Leaves ftt)m the Kote-Book of Thomas Allen Reed. With printed Key at the foot of each ^age, and portrait of Mr Reed. In two vols., fcp. 8vo. Each volume is complete in itself. Each 2S. ; cloth, 2s. 6d. The Mgend of Sleepy Hollow. By Washington Irving. With i>rinted Key at the foot of each page. Price 6d. The Repoiter'S Reader. A Series of Ten Reading Books in the Report- ing Style, with a Key at the foot of each page. Each number contains 32 pages in a wrapper. Price 4d. ; post-free 4^. each. Representatiye BriUSh Orations. Printed in an easy Reporting Style of Phonography, with Key at the foot of each page. Two volumes, foolscap 8vo. Price 2s 6a. ; cloth, 3s. each. The New Testament, in an easy Reporting Style of Phonography. 368 pages, with two colored maps. Size of page 6^ in. by 4 in. Price, Turkev morocco, gilt edges, 5s. ; roan, red edges, 4s. The Book of Common Prayer, in an easy Reporting Style of Phono- graphy. 296 pages. Size of page 6^ in. by 4 in. Price, Turkey morocco, gilt edges, 5s. ; roan, red edges, 4s.