Page:The Newspaper World.djvu/39

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The Newspaper World.

2. To watch the operation of the Law of Libel, to initiate such reforms therein as may from time to time appear necessary, and to provide a central machinery by means of which members of the Society who are proceeded against for libel may, at their own expense, obtain advice, and enter into combination for their common defence.

3. To promote co-operation among members of the Society in all matters affecting their common interest.

The army of journalists in the country who were not proprietors, practically had no organization for the promotion of common professional interests till within the last few years, but the Newspaper Press Fund, instituted in 1864, was, as far as benevolent effort went, a bond of union for journalists of every degree throughout the country. In its annual reports it has truly pointed out that "prior to its formation there was no such organization in existence, and the Press presented this strange anomaly, that while it was constantly and successfully advocating the claims of institutions founded for the benefit of unfortunate members of other classes of society, there was no provision whatever for similar cases connected with its own body." Established on its present basis in the year already mentioned. Lord Houghton was elected president, and for more than twenty years the Fund owed no small share of its present prosperity to his kindly services. His successor is Sir A. Borthwick.[1] All literary contributors to the Press in the United Kingdom are eligible for membership to this Fund. Indeed it is the

  1. The following have been the chairmen at the annual festivals since the foundation of the Fund:—1864, Lord Houghton; 1865, Charles Dickens; 1866, Earl Granville; 1867, Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone; 1868, Duke of Cambridge ; 1869, Lord Houghton; 1870, Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith; 1871, Earl of Carnarvon; 1872, Duke of Argyle; 1873, J. A. Froude; 1874, Duke of Somerset; 1875, Dean Stanley; 1876, Lord O'Hagan; 1877, Marquis of Hartington; 1878, Marquis of Salisbury; 1879, Earl of Rosebery; 1880, Duke of Manchester; 1881, Sir S. H. Northcote, Bart.; 1882, Duke of Albany; 1883, Rt. Hon. H. C. E. Childers; 1884, Viscount Hampden; 1885, Dr W. Howard Russell; 1886, Sir A. Borthwick; 1887, F. C. Burnand; 1888, Sir Edward Clarke; 1889, Rt. Hon. G. J. Goschen.